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Meditation is an integral part of Ares' daily routine. It gives him a chance to contemplate his size, strength, masculinity, and virility - and how he can best shape the men of this world to become paragons of male perfection. His swollen, bulging, glistening muscles relax as a layer of steam engulfs the room - a product of his intense body heat. His balls churn between his thicker-than-column thighs, slowly taking up more and more space. His pecs rise and fill with each steady breath.
The room is silent, save for the rumbling and churning and gurgling of his own body, and the heavy moans of his breath. Beyond the walls of this quiet place, a small kingdom of servants and soldiers trains and grows. A place where bigger is always better, where men touch each other's bodies, kiss one another's muscles, indulging in all pleasures they want. Ares was their Master, their King, their God - the one who gave them the chance to grow and grow beyond their wildest dreams. To the men of his kingdom, a 1-foot cock was considered small. A thousand pounds of muscle was average. And these standards rose with each day, as every man grew more and more, their lust only compounding as their virility rapidly rose and cocks engorged.

It was their pleasure that empowered Ares, what made him into the biggest man on earth. Their spirits radiated pleasure, lust, ambition, strength - a well of power that Ares drank every last drop of. The bigger his men became - the hornier, the more intimate - the more Ares' power grew.

As Ares sat still, breathing calmly, he could feel that power flooding the room. It saturated the air around him, his body eagerly soaking up as much as it could. His power had been growing so much that his mere presence would cause other men to grow.

Ares believes the male form should be worshiped above even the gods themselves - true gods are the biggest, most virile men, not chosen by a higher power but instead made by their pursuit of growth. Men were put on this earth to grow, to indulge, to love and worship one another. Masters, servants, lovers. The big deserve to grow even bigger. To rule and to guide lesser men.

He knows that one day, he'll grow so massive, so mountainous, so swollen and powerful with raw muscle that every man in the world will be his servant, denizens of his empire of pleasure and intimacy.

And if the gods tried to stop him, he would crush their puny realm between the only pantheon that matters - the pantheon of his own muscles.




Can I get an "om" up in here for my boi Ares?

Hiro Nagasaky

"om" hehe i honestly wanna sit on his lap hehe