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Rayanh LaNansha

lol Jessica's problen with Jimmy is that he's not clear on how he feels. She can't visualize where he forsees them going, he just sort of agrees with the situation being that they like each other, that's it. It wasn't an ultimatum she gave him, she said that he better be clear on what's what because if he chooses her, she needs to not have anymore questions on what he actually feels about her. At least that's how I understood it and that's why I was more on her side with that. Also I personally felt that Jimmy liked Jessica more, it's just that her being a mother blocked him from fully pursuing her. That and the way she reacted during an argument didn't mesh well with him since she has more of a dominant personality. He's more into the way Chelsea built him up whenever he was down. Plus he still had the Megan Fox comment of Chelsea in his head lmao.


Even after Jessica told him, he said it didn’t bother him. He shouldn’t have said he wasn’t bothered when he actually was. That’s where her frustration with him being uncertain stems from. He’s 100% clear all the time. She should’ve told him in the beginning, that’s just not something you withhold from a person. But after knowing, whatever decision you make, stand on that and he didn’t.