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The VA for Battle Beast was growling, low-pitched, what you'd expect from a lion person, so I could see both males and females sounding similar. But he's a male. Eve's powers are hard to explain because she can kind of do everything. Something something atomic level, molecular something something creation. She's basically a god. The Immortal is the guy who got his head chopped off by Omni-man in ep 1. White and blue outfit, has a beard, had like 5 minutes of screen time. Amber's a much better character in the cartoon than the comics. In the comics, she was just an upper-class white girl. Very basic. This Amber has a lot more depth, I like her.


Just wait til they find out. xD

Armored Franky

I somewhat agree I just didn't like the reveal scene felt off but after rewatching it was understandable. Better than the comic book counterpart for sure.