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HNI S3 EP 001



I'm not a huge fan of this season, mainly for one reason. The Coach and Nekota's voice actors passed away during the season break, so they got replaced. Coach's voice is obviously different, but he gives off the right feel, I'm cool with it. Nekota's voice is no different than before, I didn't even realize it was a new VA. So those two are a shame, but it's fine. My issue is with the boxing commentator. Glasses guy (I don't think he was ever named, actually) got replaced this season, and I don't like his replacement. The VA didn't die, maybe he just retired? But the guy is basically one of the main characters, he gets more lines in the anime than everyone but Ippo. The way he would shout "MAKUNOUCHI DOWN!!!" is just iconic. The new guy is just bland, and I don't like him. Really hurts my enjoyment of this season. And when I say Glasses guy was replaced, I mean completely replaced. The new commentator is a totally different guy, different colored hair, no glasses, and just sounds like he's not really excited about his job. It just bums me out.


I can't wait for them to meet sawamura!