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ATLA Book 2 EP 18



to be fair the king for sure sold but it was because of how highly sokka and them spoke of the kyoshi warriors before they left. and he had never met them personally


Remember Zuko's dream when he was sick. The 2 dragons trying to drag him to their side? Iroh and Azula in the finale tried to preach to his wants

Chance Lee

Nah bro sokka said like three words about them and dipped and nobody is just gonna casually talk about a sneak attack plan

Lleon Swanston

gave that man the ace treatment


nah sokka said more than 3 words lol. and his words weigh heavy when hes the one that told the king about the plan in the first place. again he still sold but wasnt much he could do. he was a figure head at the end of the day.

Dale Cooper

Katara was feeling empathy for zuko not romantic feelings no matter what fanfic's say. He came in with common ground on the mom thing and she felt sad for him in the moment. Y'all always equate empathy with romantic feelings.


Toph casually inventing a new subset/form of bending. EZ GOAT. One of my fav episodes overall. So Earth's got metal + sand + crystals and shit, best element cant change my mind. (And Lycan some people believe in energies/chakras and stuff, it's definitely rooted in real life beliefs.) Also the 2 in 1?? Leggooo, even if it was an accident lol. Zuko stay trippin, but I always love the characters (in this case Azula) who say fuck that ish when it comes to anime power ups lmaoo they dont fuck round and wait its 24/7 on-site smoke.

Chase Petersen

ngl the pool of water flowing out of Katara was clever being this is a "kids show" and they cant have blood


I died when you threw water bottle LMFAO

Chase Petersen

also given what was shown I think a pissed/desperate Katara kinda bodies anyone we've seen 1v1 besides like Avatar Aang or Toph lol


nah its really because they were in a cave so there was no sunlight so their fire was easily half the power or less.


can yall not forget to upload Hajime Ippo? as always, follow schedule pls. Thanks


I mean its just a reminder, up to them if they do it or not. Were your feelings hurt

An Nguyen

"it's just a reminder" you got a lot to learn about how you phrase things and talk to ppl nephew


Wow that really hurt your little feelings. Once you get a job, you’ll get harsher feedback than this. You’ll learn to accept criticism one day haha can’t imagine how you’ll react to way harsher statements man.


man really angry a reactor isnt uploading an anime calm down no need to cry about it


that their fire is weaker? nah they say without the sun its weaker because there is less heat


How tf u gonna tell them what to do like u they boss or sum🤨


Tbf … we are paying for scheduled content. It would be nice if we actually got it on the day they say they were going to upload it. Or at least give us an update, saying you’re busy or won’t be uploading.

An Nguyen

It was how he said it that I had an issue with, dude out here sounding like a straight up karen lol. but in the end it ain't that deep


Dude’s out here having issues over simple comments lol did I forget to add “please”? Hahaha you so soft