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ATLA Book 2 EP 07


Monkey D. Luffy

yall gotta remember this episode because it will be important later and i only say this because yall are known to forget episodes

Mozart Waddell

Most water jets use an abrasive material mixed in such as sand. For water to even become dangerously sharp it has to be pressurized to over 100 gigapascals and be highly focused. This seems feasible depending upon a water bender's skill. What isn't possible is their manipulation of earth which is needed to be combined with the water to create those clean cuts through steel and diamonds. Will they f*** people bodies up? Yes. Will they be cleanly slicing through them along with steel inforced buildings? No. Only the Avatar who has control over both Earth and Water can do such a feat.

Mozart Waddell

What I took from that was Iroh was an aggressor in that war. He led an invading army to conquer Ba Sing Se. In an earlier episode he recalled how difficult it was to even penetrate their walls. In my opinion there's not always two sides in a war. Pre bereaved Iroh was on dirt doing his job and he clearly took pleasure in it.


I love how you guys said air is the best. Airbenders getting their respect !!!

Chance Lee

I dont know if you guys notices but ozai basically killed His pops do he could be the fire lord instead of iroh

Dale Cooper

Lol the wife was being nice to somebody who likely is the age of her son who is most likely dead. She's making an excuse for him to stay and keep his pride by "helping" build something the husband could handle. Then she asks the stranger for help because her husband went to see if their son died and the kid was kidnapped of course she's alone. Y'all are wild when a woman is being nice or literally talking to a man.


One of my fav episodes, loving the reactions


Bruh lol - y’all gone remind us if we forget (Amenz) I’m not gonna remember everything - I tell my wife the said thing


(Amenz) She just came on alil strong - y’all gotta remember we are from certain areas and ppl wives didn’t do that so alot of times we respond based off how we grew up and what we used to seeing - I’m sure she’s a nice lady but it wasn’t like we hate her or something lol

Monkey D. Luffy

i decided to write it anyways if you want to read it its should be posted in the comments below just a couple down


yes this dude whole spoiled that book lol

Monkey D. Luffy

yeah it was a comic i dont know why they didnt put it in the show it almost feels like they forgot about her

Monkey D. Luffy

plus i added in the begining that it wasnt going to be explained in the show and that it was lore on the mother

Monkey D. Luffy

and i wouldnt call it a book literally all that happens fits in the message i put above

Monkey D. Luffy

there i changed it is that better

Bob The SkuII

honestly yeah id say you should probably delete it. this is info they dont need to know at this point and kind of spoils other stuff later on.


Just delete this g

Bob The SkuII

in case you havent noticed it yet from the episodes almost none of the animals of this world are normal animals like we have, like the the platypus bear from the fortune teller or the wolf bats from the cave episode. they dont cross breed animals thats just the weird ass world they live in. also yeah the family is a little shit since zuko literally saved their son. that being said they did just find out he was the prince of the fire nation. and their oldest son is literally on the front line and possibly dead because of them. sure zuko didnt have anything to do with that but its a really fresh pain since it literally happened not even an entire day ago.


just a cool tip, never read comments about shows you haven't finished/read the manga of, you might get spoiled hard

Lleon Swanston

I don't think we should go into explanations too much; while it is better to have explanations, they would probably lead to spoilers. so for me, it's going to be: 1. water, 2. air, 3. earth, 4. fire. Honestly, it changes for me all the time.