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ATLA Book 1 EP 19



Now we're talking.


Hey guys, when are yall going to release the last of us reactions?


I personally haven't finished the season on my own so you're in the minority on this - I'd prefer their other shows coming out more often tbh


Put some respect on her name!


only one episode


SADGE. They've probably watched 2. Just a hunch tho

Mozart Waddell

The reason the Northern Water Tribe appears weak in terms of defenses is because they managed to stay out of the war what looks to be 85 years. Fire Nation main threat is the Earth Kingdom and its impenetrable capital Ba Sing SE which even Iroh who's insanely powerful couldn't conquer. In terms of more grand defenses such as building larger walls or huge dome like infrastructure requires more energy to be exerted from bending. There's only one water bending master at the North Pole, Master Paku. Constantly having to bend all that ice everytime a fishing or scouting party went out would be exhausting.


Aint no way this the only one......right? 0.0 I at least hope y'all watched these last 2 together

Booty Bandit

where my subtitles at

Cheryl harris

Love that yalls getting into the story. As the characters grow and learn the story gets deeper.


why you gotta be one of the people they constantly tell to keep comments to themselves?? They DONT want people saying shit like "im so hyped for you to watch the next 3" "cant believe you didnt watch the next episode also" it ruins it for them. so stfu

Douglas Kelley

Layne, how about you stfu. They weren’t hyping anything up. They were probably expecting them to drop both episodes since it’s a two part finale. Who watches half of a finale?

Douglas Kelley

How do you know that they are in the minority? Did they take a poll that missed?


Lmao learn to read lame, as Doug said it's a 2 part finale I'm not hyping shit up just curious if they watched em together/we were gonna get em together. And watch your mouth child


woah, im humbled by that crazy name play. I definitely feel like a child lololol.


Doug, two quotes yeah?? second quote fits exactly what he says?? stfu


7:30 the stance on the avatar intro