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Darren Stewart

Lycan got that look on his face when discussing kinemon. Believe me thats how we all looked. Say what you want about the one piece fan base. But at least theyre willing to call oda on his bs with the fakeout deaths


Felt like laws shock wille could’ve been animated better


Anasthesia (mostly) numbs pain from operations. That’s why the penetration is harmless.


Anesthesia doesn't necessarily mean you go to sleep. Sometimes local Anesthesia is used to just numb a specific area while you're still fully conscious


That awakening animation was trash lmao. Let’s all be honest, k-room is law’s awakening, all the coloring and effects looks cool, however the way it was executed is trash. There’s no impact, even when kid did his awakening and tried to crush big mom with steel beam,s, toei couldnt even show us that those beams flew fast and hit her, crushing her, instead we got a still image of it lol.


Law didn’t just stab her lmao he fried her insides 💀 the animation didn’t do it justice but “shock willie” is basically like “gamma knife” on steroids.


The fake out deaths are the only thing holding Oda back. He needs to stop


I Iove everything about One Piece but the fake out deaths. You guys have mentioned this before but fans can’t enjoy a death scene because they don’t know if the character is really dead. Oda needs to let characters die and have their deaths have impact but he drops the ball on this.

Steffan Mouton

Big Mom lookin like an Elden Ring boss at the end there


She put the Y in Yonko. LOL Lyncan stay saying hard quotes