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TR S2 EP 09

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Drakken must be made of adamantiun because there's no way him getting hit with a steel pipe will cause it to crinkle. If you look closely it's on the ground and Drakken isn't known to resort to weapons. At this point I have to fully suspend my disbelief. Taiju throwing fullsize wooden church pews is more believable than Drakken taking on a 100 street brawlers with no lacerations, fractures, or a concussion and still being able to drive the bike.


If I'm not mistaken, I think they're at Hina's apartment building. Probably why it looked familiar to Takemichi


My oh my aren't you being a little cuntish today 😁

Emman Reed

Just have a think about your contradiction maybe and if you can't enjoy it for what it is, you can either remake it yourself and write the story "realistic" or stop watching. IDK just a thought


Why are you types so quick to believe that someone isn't enjoying a series. I made a light hearted remark. I really enjoy TR otherwise I would've dropped it. Learn not to be so antagonistic and chill out.

Emman Reed

I'm sorry if you were cut by my words. This is how I converse and speak. I have learnt in the past that there are softer people who are/can be hurt by my infliction. I am blunt with my communication sometimes. I also may have misunderstood your attempt at joking. I didn't find it humorous nor did I think it was a positive message about the show. To me it looked and sounded like a complaint. I guess this was mis-communication. Sorry about your feelings sweet pea <3 I'll try not to be a "bad guy" :D


Whatever bro. Respectfully please stop commenting on my shit because everytime I get my hopes up thinking its a Re: Zero reaction

Emman Reed

What I'm trying to say is that you're soft

Cherif ÄNT¥

Lmaaoooo I read all this and I couldn't stop laughing u seemed legit pissed


Lmao bro let it go or stop watching


Mikey and draken joining the fight is like luffy and zoro joining the fight.

Token Log In

Are you guys going to do the One Piece manga read or watch any of the theory videos? You guys talked about it but haven't followed up. With the anime only releasing 2 episodes a month sometimes there is a serious One Piece drought on here.