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Make sure you like the Fairy Tail post or comment so I know if there is some engagement.  Since they only get around 1 like, I assumed that the Fairy Tail viewers just watch with me on twitch and so I haven't posted consistently on patreon.   


Calvin Crenshaw

I’m a fan but I watch everything on here please continue the hard work ima day 1

Game Dragon

I watch, but I gotta be honest. The episodes come out in such big bulks that it makes it hard for me to consume it all. I'm only at about episode 80 or so, so I'm still catching up hard. But this also causes me not to comment because its episode posts from months and months ago, and it makes me doubt you'd ever see them.


I watch everything here and your doing great with the bulk posts


good to know lol sometimes i see you upload and im like he probaly wont read comments on these since he watched it on twitch like months ago by now.


I watch them as soon they come out but I rarely give a heart on posts or comment <(⇀‸↼‶)>


That one like might be me. Lol I watch on patreon then like the post to mark where I left off


I can never make it to the streams. So I'm only caught up to what is posted.

Armored Franky

I don't make it to the streams so i love when you post this show, ive only watched it once so rewatching it with you has been awesome, will try to like more on my end i rarely like but i always watch :) either way thanks for all the hard work


I only watch the odd episode because i'm too used to the sub to enjoy the dub. Good series though :)


I get excited when I see them Fairy Tail uploads!🔥 Can't watch the streams cause you're way ahead