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BC EP 078 FO


Storm King

@Lycan I saw you were weirded out by the mushroom guy putting his hand in Nolle's head but that is what adults in Japan do to children show praise, love, and other positive feelings of affection. In this case it was to praise Nolle for being strong enough to stand up to her brother.


He literally did a rock paper scissors for her and she 15,i don't get how what mushroom guy did was seen as anything but innocent.


I was weirded out because it was a mushroom. It made me feel like, how it feels when you see a lot of spots together in one place. (Lycan)


@THATGUYVANT fuck off trying to come at people with that pedo angle. You act like he was fighting for Eri or Anya. They're literally leagues of adult women reactors who called Yuno hot and that's fine. Just watch the reactions without shaming anyone.


amenz when's the next Game of thrones its been 2 months