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OP EP 901



Toei having Batman overpower Luffys punch and sending him back is the same thing Toei did with Zoro overpowering Hawkins strawsword and deflecting his blade. Oda never drew that stuff in the manga it's just anime filler. Oda didn't even have Luffy and Batman clash or Zoro use Dragon Twister against officials lmao.


batman yonko level confirmed

Pot of D's

As someone who enjoys and consistently watches professional sumo, I can say there are some thin sumo wrestlers, even some very buff sumo wrestlers. Obviously the size does give advantage, but ocassionally you'll se the odd ones which will become very popular like Takanoyama back in the day. Currently there is this small dude called Enho that's very popular because of his look and size, definitely a pretty interesting sport to follow.

Guts from Berserk

Damn I don't think I've eaten baloney in over a decade


mannn, Okiku so baddd 🖤


This is the episode that put me onto one pace


Oda let them expand the fights, he knew he couldn't do everything he wanted in Wano so the news came out he approved the filler Canon fights.


The anime needs to drag at times. Wanos episodes take about 2 months to make one episode. The shut down during covid and their recent hiatus helped them keep the pace from reaching the manga. For the most part people loved Wano better than Dressrosa and Whole Cake. Some fights longer cause Oda allowed that, there more "comedy" but people forget One Piece is originally a Comedy series.

Deonta Kilpatrick

lol looking down on em that’s messed up lycan


That’s a shit reason, anime needs to take a break and be seasonal on order for them to releae quality episodes instead of shitty ass pacing per week that ruins the anime and anime watchers’ experience of the series.


Lmao toei was dumb for this, in the manga luffy one shots this dude, he appears in like 1 panel and the next hes knocked out, idk why they tried to make him seem tough in the anime

Mugiwara La

I only liked the off brand Fruit Loops in the bag but 9/10 would still get the boxed cereals lol. & I used to kill a bologna sandwich too Lycan. I never tried to fry it though Amenz. I might need to try that