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OP EP 885



Luffy's win against Kat was giving by Kat, because he saw Luffy's potential and worthiness, but not because Luffy beat Kat, and that's what people can't come to comprehend and so they hate on it, and twist it to say Luffy defeated Kat.


I think it doesn't really make sense that he lost, so people are probably saying that he won. If he is not even able to defeat Katakuri at this point, how can he defeat any of the four emperors? He has to at least be able to defeat their strongest people before he can actually defeat them, because it would just be weird if he loses to Katakuri but then defeats BIG Mom in the future. Obviously Luffy is going to get a lot stronger in the future but its still weird. But I understand why people say he didn't really win because it really looked like he gave up. But did he give up because he knew he was going to lose anyway, or just out of respect for Luffy?


I knew you guys would be okay with the flash backs. Its important for them to do that every now and then because the series is so long, you might forget certain details. As usual, thanks for the drop boys!


damnn chopper saying "i'll even cure a country" to doctorine hits knowing that he cured the whole of the mink tribe

Token Log In

Still hard to say if the Straw Hat is big or if that person was just really small. They were really small next to the door.... but the door could be big.


many theorist suspect it might be Joyboy's. not for sure though? who else could it be? Where did Roger get his? did he emulate something from somebody else?

Angel Zane

Doubt. Whoever sat on that throne, sat on a regular sized throne. Let’s be real.

Trafalgar Law (An Average Makima Enjoyer)

my theory is that Luffy's straw hat comes from the big one you see (someone took the fibres/straw to make Luffy's one) and it somehow has a power and is linked with the Will of D since Roger had it (when shown in the flashback w/ Rayleigh when he asked him to be his 2nd mate of his crew)


Nah thats Saul's hat who is probably still alive am I right lycan? lmao.

Dondre Williams

Just saw Kureha top, out here repping Chopper

Cheddah Slammer

The reason you guys and the whole community for that matter are divided on the Luffy vs Katakuri fight is because your all wrong. It was a Draw. Neither Katakuri nor Luffy actually won the fight cause neither of them went down at the end of it. They both fell and then both got right back up. Then Katakuri asked if Luffy would come back to fight Big Mom. After Luffy told him yes, Katakuri fell on his back to postpone the fight until Luffy comes back.