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FYI - just want to let y’all know - hope y’all enjoy the weekend. Love y’all!



Happy weekend to you two as well. These next episodes have been highly anticipated!! Can’t wait for y’all reaction


I'm confused are there no OP episodes tonight? If not it's cool. Second question. Are we getting 4 HxH next week as well? The post was kind of vague ngl

Chance Lee

Happy anniversary amenz hope y'all doing good and lycan too


Yo I have a question. What exactly is the posting schedule. It's very confusing and it just feels like you guys post randomly. Maybe I'm dumb but I think a solid schedule would clear things up. Regardless thank you for posting you guys always make me laugh and smile.


Typically they post One Piece on Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays. HxH for all intensive purposes has been primarily Tuesdays and Thursdays but they're almost at the end of HxH so it's recently just been Tuesdays hope this clears things up for people. And I hope you guys have a great weekend too Broz.


are we going to get some bleach soon? its been more than 3 weeks now...


Bleach has been something he watches on twitch stream, but he hasn’t streamed a lot recently. Maybe this week sometime, since he just got back from vacation.


When would we have more Ace of Diamonds guys?


One punch mannnnn s2


still waiting for op juice :)

Urhara Kisuke

Waiting for Bleach 😏


What tier i have to be to watch the one piece reactions?