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Been down with y’all since 2018-2019! Y’all always stayed true to you and said fuck everybody else. Respect 👊🏿


A true house of lambs ready for the slaughter.

Řeëĺ Ķjąý

fun fact: big mom actually ate all those kids.


Bro, She was selling ORPHANS not Organs. XD


That imagery of all the kids as hearts. Her seeing Mother, saying her name, taking a bite of the snack and then Mother floats off as a heart too.


They know lol, they said orphans again multiple times after so I’m sure he figured it out, chill.

Armored Franky

Binks Brew is actually an old pirate from way back brook didn't write it. The lyrics however I think hold greater meaning it hasn't been addressed yet just a theory

Matthew D Guderian

binks sake is a popular pirate song in the plot. when brook sung it to luffy he mention that he loves that song because shanks crew used to sing it to him. its the pirate theme song

Daniel Turner

the unintentional foreshadowing


I couldn’t believe that mother Carmel was evil. Linlin definitely went through some tough things as a child.


your theories are sooo entertaining. I cant wait for you to catch up. You would be able to create some awesome theories

Storm King

They have not 100% confirmed but it is implied she ate them. I think when you see her eat the big versions of the food that is the children and mother. Becuase there are scenes where the food looks bigger when she eats it compared to the size they actually were.


Just pay attention to the anime To much talking

Tony Nguyen

They showed in Punk Hazard when Smiley (Ceasers pet) died his Df appeared on the apple that was right next to it. Meaning the closest fruit to the place of death 👌


If anyone can eat a devil fruit user and take their powers Leo better watch out man is bite sized


Bink's sake song has been around for many year. Some say you can figure out some really hefty clues about the world from this song. The song may be a hidden secret to preserve the past if you so will say


I don't think Blackbeards devil fruit would help him get another. After we met Blackbeard for the first time in Jaya with Bellamy and the Knock-up-stream, both Luffy and Zoro referred to Blackbeard as "they" instead of "Him" when Nami asked if they knew him. So if Blackbeard is "Them" he is probably having siamese twins inside him or something, able to use more than one fruit


That may be why Blackbeard has three skulls on his Pirat flag and maybe he wants to get the strongest Fruit in each category; Zoan, Paramecia and Logia

Cheddah Slammer

I thought that was just because of Luffy and Zoro's intuition knowing that Blackbeards crew was around.


Sounds out of place. Knowing that guy had nakama / a crew is impossible


It is not his Devil Fruit at the very least that enables him to have more than one. Marco knew that Blackbeard had a strange body before he got the Darkness fruit and jumped shit. He said it at marineford


John giant btw was the giant at marineford with the 1700s style military uniform who was mopped by whitebeard’s attack when he grabbed the air which created that major sea/land tilting event.


For real dude? Between "That guy isn't by himself" and "That guy is actually a siamese twin" do you honestly think the first one is the less possible thought process?


Yeah, have you read my other comments in this thread? Oda isn't one to do boring and unnecessary remarks like "he's not by himself". Zoro and Luffy acted like it was something special about Blackbeard. This isn't my theory anyway. It is the most common one in the One piece community. That Blackbeard eighter has a Cereberus Devil fruit (Three headed guard dog of hell) or he has something that makes him three (three skulls on pirate flag). If he had the Cereberus Fruit from the start, maybe he made Shanks scar with the claws (even tho dogs have four). Then maybe he can hold one of each type. Zoan, Logia and finally now Whitebeards Paramecia.


I noticed the table had no more Selma and she was still eating Selma while calling out they names…..sus


she ate them


I am laughing for the past 10 mins on this bruh xD!


He’s literally shown using Wolverine like weapons against Gol D Rodgers crew.. don’t think it had anything to do with a devil fruit