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Emil Reimers

Check the titles of both episode 1 and episode 80


Yes it self defense I'm agree with Amenz


it's self defense against the one threatening to kill you but not ever one has that motive. not all 99% of the people out of paradis has the same motive. their superiors are but not the civilians.


genocide will never be justified on both sides no matter what

KoKo JoJo

Genocide IS wrong no matter how you slice, season, or cook it.


there are plenty of choices that doesnt involve killing 99% life in the world


Well it's just self defence, on a larger scale.


And what is these choices ? They don't have time Marh already attack and world will follow soon


they had the time, that's before eren aggressively acted alone on marley and murdered people. it wasnt their plan just eren. marley was forced to attack early because of what eren did.


I never said that Genocide was the right thing but it's the only option he has. If you have read the manga, you know what Im talking about.


it's the only option he has but not everyone was along with the plan. mikasa, armin and the others have plans that doesnt involve comitting genocide


at what episode did you see literally all of the people of the world hates eldians? we just saw a selected number of people. not all civilians hate eldians lmao some doesnt even want anything to do with the war. mikasa, armin and the others were already progressing to having ties with another country even if it means getting resources off of paradis at least it was a peaceful solution.


If you are talking about Zeke's plan, it was pretty much genocide too.


they failed once so that means you wont try again, right? diplomacy is doing what it takes, numerous takes just to avoid war instead you just go straight ahead and justify that killing billions of innocent lives is the only way


Every nation was at marley the day Eren attacked and they all were okay with launching an atrack on Paradise.


you just said "eren did nothing wrong" yet eren's action is genocide therefore you support his actions


They dont have TIME for diplomacy, this is not some kind of fairy tale world, almost the entire fucking world was fine with wiping Paradis out.


Yes Eren did nothing wrong because I understand his actions even thiugh I do not support Genocide


they were still planning on it. there was still time to make and amend diplomatic ties


Jesus christ dude, whatever, just wait till the end, you will see why Eren was right to do what he did.

Chance Lee

It's might be wrong but everybody was wrong. Eren is just looking out for his people. If he killed just the military they would just rebuild and the cycle will continue


Exactly Chance


yes they have. that is not a fucking make believe world instead you guys are the one being feeling edgy and thinks that killing and destruction is the only reality and cool. guess what bud in real world diplomacy has been keeping us from another world war and its not a fucking fairy tail like you guys would seem

Chance Lee

Also lycan need to watch all the foreshadowing call outs on YouTube 😂 the first episode was named to you 2,000 years from now


bro i finished the manga a year ago and still standby what i said


Whatever you say lmao


it's one thing to understand Eren, his character (which i do) but it's also another to support his actions.


uhmm... okay hitler..


I am with Eren 100%. Remember at the start of part 1 of season 4 when Eren was hiding in that basement with reiner and falco. The blonde dude up there was literally trying to unite the whole world against Paradis island, and they all supported him too, so to say that destroying only Marley would be enough doesnt make sense anymore coz the whole world wants the eldians gone.


And putting up a wall to keep em outside was already done, but yet Marleyans broke in disturbed the peace to begin this whole mess in season 1. And if we are talking about innocents dying outside the wall, Erens whole motivation for revenge began when his mom who had nothing to do with any of it had to be eaten for no reason. You really think he would care about anyone else's life after that? Even Zekes idea of euthanizing eldians would not have worked because the marleyans outside wouldnt just let the titan powers go extinct because it helps their military and shit.... In short this man Eren was pushed against the wall to the point where he has no other reasonable choice but to do this to save his home and his people....Its war in a dog eat dog world. thats how real life is too. People would do anything for freedom


yeah you never said it but you support the one doing it 🤦‍♂️. *SPOILER* Mikasa cuts off eren's head, they stopped Eren, the alliance won, buried eren's head in a tree somewhere in Paradis, they become diplomats, years later we see a kid roaming around from a ruined city, saw a big ass tree like the one ymir saw.


The writer knew exactly how he wanted to start to end his story. but some other some details in between were slightly altered throughout the run


Except Isaiyama changed the ending and you know it.... and even before that -SPOILER- STOP READING MY COMMENT, inside the path Eren tried to find another alternative to the Rumbling but in every other future Paradis was attacked by the alliance.


Yaegerist For life, I dont give a F


Dont know why but Ymirs story kind of reminded me of Askeladd from vinland Saga a lil bit


oh you mean this? https://pop.inquirer.net/112671/attack-on-titan-apparently-has-an-alternate-manga-ending-made-by-fans


bro Attack on Titan: Akatsuki no Requiem is a fan made 🤦‍♂️ never did once Isayama announced that he changed or made alternate endings HAHAHAHA


You are really embarassing yourself... after Isayama wrote the last chapter of Aot, he added 5 more pages or so where Paradis was attacked by the alliance 50-80 years after The rumbling...


You have not read the manga dude https://readshingekinokyojin.com/manga/shingeki-no-kyojin-chapter-139-extra-pages/


oh please you're the one embarassing urself. check my other comment, i literally just said what you wrote just in a short format "years later we see a kid roaming around from a ruined city, saw a big ass tree like the one ymir saw."


and you wrote this "inside the path Eren tried to find another alternative to the Rumbling but in every other future Paradis was attacked by the alliance." which is what happened in the fan made


i literally just wrote a short format of what happened in the last chapter of AoT even wrote a spoiler warning and still all you can say is "you have not read the manga dude" lol just stop. at this point and i wont go further into your argument. bye.


..... yes, the kid was roaming free, after Paradis got wiped out by the Alliance, it only shows that you have not read the manga... stop trying to have the high ground, you are just making a fool of yourself...


and to add it up, that's just one future, it's not entirely every choice leads up to that one future. maybe along the way they made a wrong choice that led up to the destruction of Paradis and please, yet again, don't say "Eren tried to find another alternative to the Rumbling but in every other future Paradis was attacked by the alliance." because that part was fan made. there was really no way of saying what exact way of choosing the right choices to avoid the destruction.


This episode title- From You, 2000 Years Ago. First episode title - To You, 2000 Years Later. The author had his plan ;)


man as a world we gotta protect Amenz family yall.... this man just said Genocide for self defense lol (this episode was WILD!~

Jeremy Estrella 🇩🇴

Amenz: cue song *fuck gabi fuck gabi fuck gabi, fuck gabi, Eren ain't did nothing wrong"