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OP EP 742 FO

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I thought these two were supposed to be the next two until I looked at the preview. More Rebecca and Kyros 😒 it's fine I guess. I'm not dragging on you guys I'm just exhausted with their story needing additional episodes to tell at this point


Yeah post-Dressrosa is drug worse then it needed. The Kyros/Rebecca stuff should’ve been tied up in at least 2 episodes but the Sabo episodes being anime cannon and mixed filler messed the pacing hard

DomItAll Games

Almost a full episodes worth of flashbacks of Rebecca and Kyros that we've already seen 4 times. One Piece has one great flaw....and this was it, lol.

Cherif ÄNT¥

Everyone that's complaining have watched this arc at least 3 or 4 times of course you will feel more the dragging compared to a first time viewer. Your complain will only affect their experience negatively, it's like watching a movie with someone that has already seen it want to put you on and rewatch it with you doesn't like some parts but on top of that they want you to have the same opinion as them. I understand the fact that you want to give your opinion to participate get likes and shit but damn that shit is annoying sometimes.

Matthew Gilroy

Broz can we do 4 eps to wrap up the arc?

Cheddah Slammer

Honestly these episodes put a nice bow on the Kyros and Rebecca story line and it was still really good.

Abhi Aravalli

Tsuru is a sleeper man, Doflamingo fled the second he heard she was rolling through in his flashback and she's always shown in a similar light to Sengoku & Garp (not saying she's as strong of course)

Token Log In

I've always seen Luffy as simultaneously being stupid and wise. Luffy punching Coby in the face to distance himself from the marines, Luffy destroying Nami's chart room so she had nothing to bind her to Arlong anymore, Luffy stabbing Laboon so he could look forward to another battle, Luffy forcing Robin to say what she really wanted at Enies Lobby and Luffy now breaking Rebecca out of her royal obligations so she could be happy. There are plenty more instances but it's just an example of how Luffy has a 6th sense for understanding the emotional gravity of a situation.


Yeah and a little bit of a smaller example is when luffy sees crocodile about to attack whitebeard, I’m sure he was aware he was strong but he had a feeling it was him and didn’t want to bring unnecessary trouble to the man who ace really cares about, cause after all it was luffy’s decision in the end that croco was freed from impel down, so he’s kinda of luffy’s responsibility in a way or at least luffy’s responsible for what croco does that day to a decent extent


I mean, her devil fruit makes her touching you a loss. Kinda stupid strong. If she has good haki and skills to match, she'd be an absolute beast and it'd be understandable why Doffy ran from her. I imagine she might even be superior to Garp or Sengoku, but just doesn't seem to take as active of a role in doing things.

Monkey D. Obama

are u guys planning on watching film z? its set right before dressrosa and has good ass animation


any drops tonight? :)