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OP EP 673 FO

Watch "OP EP 673 FO" on Streamable.



Can't wait to see the next few episodes!


My family hated me after this episode. They kept asking me how long Robin would be gone and didn’t like my “Who is Robin? I don’t remember that character.”


For all the smack talk Ussop did after the time skip I hate his passive, scared behaviour in this part of the story. It was the worst part of the arc for me. The pacing does its thing as well, but it really drags on when he should have just grabed the tabasco ball and shot it in Sugars mouth the moment Robin grabed her for those few seconds. Or just knock her out in any other way. since as a sniper he is the only guy that can do that without putting himself in danger of getting turned into a toy upfront. Like shoot the Impact Wolf thing you did in Fishman Island or stuff.....


Ussop as much as I love him and the memes of him I feel like he’ll never grow because he has too much gag potential for Oda. It’s my biggest problem with his writing. Ussop always regresses to his worst form instead of growing


@Lycan to answer your question about the usefulness of flies https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=08kMdn8L7Yw


Kinemon’s cosplay of Doflamingo is lowkey the highlight of this arc

not buggy

and they lowkey missed it, when he did the mingo pose D:


Did you notice how this arc recycled Alabasta in some ways? No hate since it's a good arc. There is a princess, the king is kidnapped, a Marine hates the Warlord, the villain is a respected Warlord with a secret organization, and the following are just so similar. Weight Change powers (Ms. Valentine/Machvise) Travel Underground powers (Ms. Merry Christmas/Senor Pink) Weapon Body powers (Mr. 1/Baby 5) Explosive powers (Mr. 5/Gladius) Sticky Substance powers (Mr. 3/Trebol) A child (Ms. Goldenweek/Sugar)


Gents, thanks for all the great content you’re dropping on us consistently. You guys have me rolling with your commentary and I really feel like I’m watching the episodes right alongside you. The Pre and Post discussions are fire and are just as entertaining as the episodes. The bets, the Rock Paper Scissors, the trades, 1ups, theories, and of course Depth Perception!!! Keep it coming. With that being said I’m sure the double dragon community would love to see a whiteboard / scoreboard of all your shenanigans and I’ve created a draft one. Let me know if I can send it to one of your moderators to see if you like the concept and let me know what you think. I can give more details about the concept if you like it and want to try it out. I think the community would love it.

Loic Reviews

There's a parralelism in Oda's writing of OP : - Aarlong Park / Fishmen Island - Drum Island / Punk Hazard - Alabasta / Dressrosa

Nick K

I see it more of a symmetry thing. Crocodile was attempting to rule but ultimately failed and besides the individual pairings his followers bairly trusted each other let alone being trusted by Crocodile himself. Meanwhile Doffy has been successfully ruling for a long time, has complete control over the country, and all the people in his "family" would basically die for him and are very well organized and work well together. Also even though there are people with similar powers, we have different people in the matchups so we don't get recycled fights at all, they actually play out pretty differently. Fujitora even makes reference to Crocodile so I'm sure at least some of this is intentional by Oda.

Nick K

"In know you guys saw that fly in 4K" *looks at video resolution* "544p" Huh. Well to be fair it looks better than that number would make me think


Yo hit us up on the discord Dm or send a Dm through patreon would like to see what you came up with 😊 - you can find our discord under any video on yt


IT is only the Female Mosquitos that suck blood. But in general they serve many purpose. In short you can read it here. https://www.thoughtco.com/what-good-are-mosquitoes-1968303

Cheddah Slammer

Mosquitoes serve as food for Fish, Frogs and Birds.


get a cup of water add some sugar put that in your car when you get home, next day any bugs or flyes should be dead in the water. hope this help


Lycan: Opens door Fly: Zoom "Free real estate"