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OP EP 598 FO

Watch "OP EP 598 FO" on Streamable.



This is just appearing as a photo for me


No streamable link showing fellas


i see one piece just not the episode


Link please :)


Will fix post in about 1.5hrs - something weird is happening


All good, take your time guys


Lmao a still image


Thank you


Thanks for y'alls hard work and dedication to our entertainment!


Y'all the real mvps🤙🤙


Went from 50k to 100k then all the way down to 10k I'm schleep 💀💀


On that talk on the pride stuff with Fisher you are right, but the rest of the Fishmen still had their own hatred about it so they wouldn't even ask humans. I feel these arcs back to back is to show how easily things can change.


With a million I'm gonna take care of my health for the rest of my life and buy some snacks :D


idk if this a spoiler but they do keep the color thing with the admiral going


Let them get there. I know you’re just trying to help. If u don’t realize it then, then this helps.


I’d say Akainu is an evil that doesn’t know it is evil. Because of his Absolute Justice, if u can’t obey it, then you’re just as bad to him


yo thats crazy i never thought about that helping nami in the future it makes sense to

Angel Zane

💚 you on your own with the money tho. I send ya’ll money every month. 🤷🏼‍♂️


Agreed on the Fisher Tiger point. I'll always try to prioritize the lives of my family/friends and we can figure out everything else after that


Just a FYI back then everyone thought vergo was Aokiji 😆🤣 based on his shoes when he first appeared in the Manga. OP theorists never seize to amaze me everytime 😆 and op power scaler always seizing iq from my brain everytime they have a discussion 🤒🤢 😒


You guys need to make a video on your favorite cars! I would buy a new tesla model s plaid+ and also a house, pay off the bills/give some to friends and family.


A house where I could rent out some of it for some easy income


there was a guy in whitebeard's alliance during marineford that had a thunder sword. lightining mcguy something like that.


time with what and how long? cause we pay 10$ to see consistent reaction. sure a few days out of the month is cool long as they're set apart a decent length. but if reactors started taking like 3+ days out of the week just wastes the 10$ tier.


I have a question, I left for a couple months and now that im a patreon again I was wondering if yall posted previews arcs???

Nick K

I see the Kin'emon situation as different from the Fisher Tiger one. Kin'emon was just being proud in general and was stubbornly refusing their help but clearly he still wanted. Fisher Tiger literally wanted to die rather than have human blood in him, and there's a strong possibility that he would've started rampaging and even taken his own life had he been forced to receive a human blood transfusion. You guys said "he'd have to live with it" if he was saved, but no he doesn't. Just cause you save him when he begged for death doesn't mean he'll just say "guess I'll live now" and not try to take his own life once he's able to after. Forcing your ideals on others can sometimes lead to greater suffering.

Nick K

If you're asking if previous arcs have been posted, some videos have not been reuploaded yet to their current video host but they are working on it.


Luffy:" I'm gonna save your life, if you wanna die after that it's good with me. But atleast do it by our side"

Token Log In

If you guys havent seen RE:Zero you really should check it out. I binge watched it in a couple of weeks and it is a really cool story.


I feel like all it takes is one good back story from akainu to understand him lmao. Oda be doing this all the time.

Cheddah Slammer

Here's the argument with Akainu, everything he does is under Absolute Justice. Its extreme Law. Him killing the citizens was under the Law because their might be Archeologists hiding with them, him killing his own men was under the Law, because they were running from battle and putting peoples lives in danger. In Akainu's mind its all for the betterment of the world. On the other hand someone like blackbeard is evil because he planned everything to kill White beard, for personal gain. So the argument is that Akainu isn't evil because his goal is good, were on the other hand blackbeard's is evil because its based on personal gain.

Muhd Solehin

Sanji uses the Blue walk on the way to fishman island to fight Kraken its different from the Skywalk.


First purchase would be a guitar or amp stuff. Otherwise id put into into savings and live off the interest for a bit


I think fisher tiger situation is a bit different. His crew majorly consists of slaves who were freed. So in that situation it was half tiger's request but more of it may be their own feelings. They were not killing humans as per tiger's request but none of them forgot or forgive humans. They respected his request because they respect him. Choo or Kurobi(spelling?) has no problem in torturing or killing humans after they joined Arlong because they wanted revenge in their heart. So when Tiger said I was slave they thought themselves in his place. Their doctor Aladin was also a former slave. They don't want a life indebted to humans even indirectly. So they can't force Tiger to do so. They are following him because they respect him not what he wants to achieve. All od them have their own reasons to do so. That is why they separated after his death. Those who wanted to respect his ideals too stayed others left. Here Sanji doesn't know anything about Kinemon except that he is searching for his son. Being a kind person he decided to help him. Moreover strawhats know people hate pirates and they accept it. They just do what they feel like. Sanji wanted to help and so he did. He doesn't care for what Kinemon's feelings are. Sorry for long post.


I'm late catching up with your OP reactions but concerning Akainu: One common phrase pretty much sums him up even if "Absolute Justice" is kind of vague: "The ends justifies the means". So the End (world peace, law and order, no more pirates - whatever it is) justifies whatever it is that is done in the name of achieving that end, no matter how horrific or contradictory. If it serves the end goal, it's allowed. It's obviously an ultra extreme form of thinking and there are many such characters as this (absolutist psychopaths or zealots) in fiction. I always find them fascinating. I think they make fantastic villains as, as cruel they might be, they don't see themselves as the villain (or if they do it's for a "noble goal") and their end goals are usually things you can't argue with. It's just that their methods are reprehensible, not their desired goal. If you've ever read the graphic novel Watchmen or seen the film adapt the villain in that typifies this trope of "the ends justifying the means".