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HxH EP 47 FO

Watch "HxH EP 47 FO" on Streamable.



yesss finallyy





Wewak Waguk

Kurapika special power only work on spiders or troube memeber so i dont know about Kurapika beating Gon thing


This episode is so damn good omg


My man brought a shovel to that fight.


If possible, can you guys do the next two on Thursday? They go well together.


Important things to remember about power scaling in Hunter x Hunter is that the more limiting the condition (he will only use use it on the spiders) the more powerful the Nen. So while he is OP when fighting spiders, against anyone else he is weaker and would die if he tried to use the chain jail on anyone that isn't a spider.

Jay Voorhees

Still One of the COLDEST things I’ve ever seen Nigga brought a shovel to a fight knowing he was gonna bury this Nigga🐐🤣


Mental fortitude to slaughter his own family Im deeead Amenz I can't even loooooooooooooooooooooooooool


Just chain jail, he's still an op specialist with red eyes


And thats why you should put more hxh episodes than start a new show..


i dont think the numbers for the phantom troupe are close to strength ,if the stongest i


The only ability Kurapika can't use outside of the spiders is Chain jail which forces zetsu on the opponent basically making them powerless. It's a strong technique but saying he's weak outside of it is ridiculous. He still has emperor time which means he's moping Gon or Killua even without chain jail. Being a specialist is pretty much the cheat mode of nen.


This anime is 🐐


Can’t wait till next month for the next episode


I don’t think it’s a mop for killua as kurapika would be a lil bit faster. Gon is getting no diffed for sure but killua will lose low mid diff.

Genesis Cadiz

Kurapika is only strong and can use emperor time against the spiders but other opponents he aint that op.


He can use emperor time and all his abilities again anyone there’s only one chain he can only use against the spiders. How else was he stealing moves and doing all his abilities in the dark continent

An Nguyen

i get wanting to see more but c'mon man, they been comin out with it fairly steadily


Anyone else expect him to counter the hero comment by saying heros want to share their ramen and itachi wants all the ramen. I was waiting for it, would have died if they said it. To this day I use that as the definition of a hero when watching movies and shows lol.


Any one who read the manga after the anime ended understand how op kurapika is. He is the other main character since in hunter gon isn’t the only one. His chains are complicated and have a steep price to pay. Also gon leorio compete for the weakest of the four, before nen killua was the strongest by a big margin. Now kuara is. But killua is still moping gon ✌🏽

Lleon Swanston

lmao that would be for naruto for itachi I'd say a hero would want to share the killing of his clan with the people but he wants all those kills for himself (yes I know obito helped but you get the point)


an "unmarked grave" is one of the most disrespectful things you can do, that means there family wont find the body and there's no closure, pretty crazy stuff, kurapika is such a badass character!


Yall missed it. He can't mop gon nor killua or anybody else except the members of the phantom troupe. The moment he uses nen against anybody other than the troupe he dies. Thats the condition he put on himself inorder to gain the "power up". This ain't spoiler btw.


Nah that shit is capped. Kurapika was actually showing uvogin respect by burying him. This is why kurapika kept asking uvogin if they feel something everytime they kill people. Uvogin would just leave the bodies laying around after killing them just like he did with shadow beasts because he dont feel nothing for them. But kurapika still feel sympathy for killing uvogin so he decided to bury him instead of just leaving his dead body which is a sign of respect. It dont have to be a marked grave. You expect kurapika to bring a tombstone or a set of cross or something in the middle of nowhere? LOL. They wont be able to find his body anyways because nobody knows where they actually fought.


Feitan's voice actor( the cold torturer guy in the phantom troupe) is the same as Usopp lmao


Such a good fkn fight this one. Might recommend rewatching the part with Kurapika and his teacher and make sure you understand what it meant.

Avonti 2

The scene with his master is sometimes confusing. Kurapika made a rule so specific and using his life as the consequence gave him that power. He cannot use this power on anyone or anything except the troupe... Or he will forfeit his life.

Robert Allcorn

Now y’all know. That was one of the best parts of the anime. It was great to see that y’all weren’t expecting the results of this fight. Neither did I.


not true he only cant use his middle finger on anyone but the troupe. every other chain is free game.


After this ep Kurapika became one of my fav anime characters of all time. HE WENT CRAZYYYYYY.!!!!!!