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OP EP 563 FO

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It’s 1 for me


Not defending the reveal, but the point was to show that Hordy’s blind hate was the inevitability of the environment of hate that Fishman Island fostered with Arlong and Fisher’s demons. Again, lame payoff to a build up but it does go hand in hand perfect with the themes of the arc.

SeCo D. Raw

I think this is one of the things that the majority of the fandom agrees on. The reveal was bad but it is his take on "blind hate"


Gotta be real here even I thought it was lame, but hordy was lame in general so I just moved on, its not wrong to not like reveal, this arc was mostly to show strawhats powerup and some world building. Liked ur reaction tho, hope more comes soon :)

Angel Zane

Yeah I can agree with ya’ll on this one. Hordy is a trash villain.


Yea they hyped up the reveal lol. The thing tho from Hordys point of view yea he looked up to arlong, he knows of Fisher Tigers story, but he never experienced any of the prejudices or racism that Fisher and Arlong experienced....but yeah they hyped this up too much lol I remember when I was catching up to the series and got here I went come on bruh haha.

Omegateck16 .

This is why Hordy is trash


I agree that this reveal was dragged out and hyped up the wrong way. But the plot itself is strong. People who feed off of other people's experiences without ever being treated poorly themselves is real. They're always talking about hiding their feelings so the kids aren't influenced poorly. Hordy IS that kid who was poorly influenced. His hatred is second-hand

Sea Knight Jinbei

yeah man like I love one piece and enjoyed this arc like every one piece arc but it's not even in my top 5 or top 10 arcs whatsoever. also have we ever had an arc where the main villain almost lost to zoro? I mean yeah we all know zoro is a beast who just trained with mihawk but come on, he almost one shotted hordy while underwater and hordy had the underwater advantage


I agree with yall, didn't remember this reveal cause it wasn't worth remembering... but there's still alot of cool moments around it. The story might be lackin' but the fights covers for it


People literally get radicalized off of other people's hatred and then go shoot up a black church or a mosque despite having never met a black person or muslim in their life. Oda is addressing some real shit here


I don't blame you guys for not liking the reveal. Just keep pushing forward, you'll like the next major villain. Fishman Island was dragged out IMO.


That doesn't change the fact that this reveal was trash. Oda redeems himself in the next two arcs tremendously though so I'm not mad.


The reveal was trash


Yeah, the reveal wasn’t worth the build up, but I kinda liked the fact that he didn’t have some sort of big, dramatic reason for being an asshole. That’s just how it is sometimes tbh. I’ve seen so many big reveals at this point that I’ve come to appreciate the odd dud every now and then. Hordy and his bunch are definitely “meh” tier villains though, no doubt about that.


Execution of reveal may be lacking but the theme shakes me. This arc is dark. If all villains were great, none would stand out. Hordy is trash ON PURPOSE. Crackhead blind racists don't deserve to be cool or tragic or special or clever like the real villains🐊🦩 . Oda knows what he's doing.


hordy heavy trash

Nick K

People calling Hordy trash but I think you don't realize that's the point. I think it's well written that he is trash. He's a villain without substance as they say. Just pure hate. You expected some grand reveal, and Oda got you. Oda had you on the edge of your seat theory crafting and he told you "nah, Hordy is trash who can't even form his own beliefs." I like this arc, I like the writing, have a nice day.


I completely forgot there was a "reveal". When I saw the other episode and saw you guys speculating what it could be, I remembered what it was and knew how how you guys were going to hate it. Don't worry most people don't like this reveal, even though I kind of see what they were trying to do.


This arc is fine but not at the standard we've come to expect from OP. Don't sweat it if you're not feeling it. I think a lot of die hard OP fans would somewhat agree at least. Next arc and onward is constant ascent in complexity and greatness imo. Keen for you to get through this


I gunna agree with some of the people here, the reveal is stunning in the sense that hordy went this far, had this level of hate, anger, and willingness to do whatever he thinks is right based on what his surroundings and upbringing told him to become. That is a very real and true to life thing that happens every day and for as long as we as humans have been around. Children taught to hate people from as early as they can remember, never being able to form their own opinion or experiences. The whole arc is addressing racism on both sides, yes a lot of humans were horrible to fishmen for years and due to that fishmen bring up their children to believe they are the devil, even if they never personally had a reason to base it on their own. Hordy isn't suppose to be some grandiose villain who is deeply connected to the story because his world view is actually so small and focused on hatred of humans. He is the proverbial crab in a bucket that will pull down any other crabs trying to climb out for no reason. This goes hand and hand with what the Queens and tiger shark's message, they want so bad for their people to come out of the literal darkness of the bottom of the world and that can't happen if walls of hate and distrust is planted in the minds of normal innocent children and adults. I respect your takes for wanting hordy to be something more that he is, but like his borrowed strength, none of it is his. That's why the reveal is not a story bomb of a reveal but an important message Oda is trying to teach his young readers.


Yeah this arc was very sleep for me

Trafalgar Law (An Average Makima Enjoyer)

Completely agree 100% the fact that it wasn't a cliche and was a reminder that people are like this in real life too is still crazy thing. I think people are disappointed bc Oda normally connects things from x number of chapters ago etc and everyone always has that expectation of a massive reveal every time. I liked this reveal alot since it was foreshadowed alot and the contrasting of the Fishman District opposed to the island is really cool to me story wise, it's not the best reveal in a sense, but its a good statement and lesson to be taught.


I told u lycan won’t like the secret at all lmao

Steffan Mouton

Most of y'all missed the point so hard on this. It's simple. Hordy is an embodiment of racism. The point is he hates humans for no reason. THere's no substance. He's just carrying on an ancient grudge for no reason. Just like a lot of real life racism. What did black people do to whites individually in modern America? "Nothing." And yet there's still so much hate and racism. It's a reflection of that.


I've never understood how people can get this SO wrong.. and it happens A LOT. Fishman Island, storywise, is one of the best arcs in the whole series and that reveal is gold. Naturally the anime is an absolute let-down compared to the manga so there's little to be done there as unfortunately you're going through the worst medium, but still the plot and themes of the arc are all there. Every time I read/see people saying these things about FI or Hordy I just can't believe my eyes/ears, doesn't matter how many times it happens - baffling. Luckily some people here got it right :)

Ash Morgane

This was the part that made me realize One Piece was truly on a whole other level. They just defined racism. This is one of One Piece’s best arcs.

Josh Lomax

To me, I view Fish-Man Island Arc as one of the lower arcs. The villains weren't particularly difficult or menacing, except for Hody and anyone who's seen past this knows that Luffy only used a fraction of his strength while fighting. It was mainly an arc to allow the Straw Hats' new abilities after training, which is why they all won so easily. The mainly enjoyable thing about this arc was learning more about Fisher Tiger, as well as Arlong and Jinbe's pasts. Other than that, its okay but the Fish-Man Island Saga is sandwiched between the Summit War Saga and Dressrosa Saga, two of the very best in regards to story, fights and villains, so its very easy to see the glaringly obvious faults in FMI