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OP EP 560 FO

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It was basically what goku did to frezia with that destructo disk


Sorry for the massive essay, but I feel like this might be a good shout. Been watching you guys since last year and I really do enjoy the content. I'm a long time One Piece fan and have been with the series for over a decade now. You've commented on it once or twice recently, but the One Piece anime tends to drag from this arc going forward. This is because of Toei's handling of the adaptation. Most anime adaptations of a manga have about a ratio of two chapters per episode, converting 38-ish pages into 22-24 minutes. One Piece has the misfortune of being a year round production anime, meaning 45 or more episodes per year, while the manga releases around 40 chapters per year. As you can see, this runs the problem of Toei making episodes faster than chapters can be released, so they often take the route of stalling for time by padding things out. Fishman Island marks One Piece having gone from 38-ish pages adapted per episode to 18 pages or less. It's not always the case, but where you are right now, an average around 8 minutes per episode becomes padding. Stretched out character reactions, long recaps, drawn out stare downs that never happened in the manga, reused footage (Toei's favorite), and nameless background characters giving a play by play of what we just saw all stack up throughout the episode. The issue gets a lot worse before it gets better, as padding regularly takes up half of an episode's runtime at one point (11-12 minutes sometimes more). Two of my top three arcs in this series were actually my least favorite until I read them in the manga without the filler. To avoid this issue and potential burnout, I recommend One Pace. I know everyone and their mother has recommended it. I know you've brought it up before and said you wanted a true One Piece experience. One Pace is actually the attempt to edit the anime so that it reflects the manga as faithfully as it possibly can by removing the useless padding. In this way, you could argue One Pace is a truer adaptation than the anime is, as it is not stalling for newer chapters. If the dragging starts to affect your enjoyment then I definitely recommend a switch to One Pace, but that's just the advice of some random dude on the internet. It should be your decision how you want to enjoy this anime at the end of the day. Thanks for the great entertainment.


honestly, the pacing of one piece is not as bad as people try to make it especially for anime only fans IMO.


Use on pace guys! won't regret it. Even the subtitles are better


Luffy grabbed the wound Zoro gave him.