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Hey guys u should think about making 450-452 a triple cuz then u get 6 eps of anime canon/filler(453-458)


Blackbeard spoke about Luffy's haki in Jaya too when he saw his 100mil bounty poster. He said something like ''for someone with such haki 30mil bounty surprised me or like that.'


In the bar as soon as Blackbeard found Luffy was a pirate, he asked how much his bounty is. And when Luffy said it is 30mil, BB said don't lie. There itself BB thought that he found someone with high bounty to fulfill his dream without even fighting Luffy. He was disappointed that it was not the case but later when he found his new bounty poster he wanted to catch Luffy.


Blackbeard is Logia that doesn't give resist to physical damage, on the contrary he feels the blows much more painfully, he himself said this when he fought with Ace


Magellan is a goat, fam


Woah, hold on there. Did they mention Haki specifically?


Oh Buggy, the embodiment of failing upwards...


That what makes Magellan so dangerous to Blackbeard because his devil fruit makes physical damage hurt so much more for him. So imagine all that powerful poison covering them it makes the pain much more worse for Blackbeard. Which also shows why when Luffy hit him it hurt him so much but blackbeard is very durable so he can take a lot of damage.


I remember him saying he absorbed both pain and damage. Does that mean he absorbs some of the damage, making him more durable too? He feels twice the pain, but takes half the damage? That makes him LOOK like a coward. But I wont say he's a coward. Still a good reflection of Luffy.


Man cant wait for my fav arc, I was literally checking the calendar to see when you guys will get to one of my fav part lmao

Lil Zoro Vert

They’ll soon realise, I like that Lycan didn’t find him that intimidating at the start of this arc


Awakened Zoan :) enjoy making theories about it.


FYI Jimbei would destroy Luffy in 1v1 lol


I had a big debate with myself. You know Oda is a master of foreshadowing. So there are plenty of lines and moments, both recent and long ago, that will only matter years from now. Although noticing them doesn't spoil anything without context, I can wait until they're relevant. Simply pointing them out will skew your experience, expectations, and theories even if you don't have context. But I don't mind letting y'all know you will be surprised by the foreshadowing so far. It's better to find out naturally, but I can't help but just remind you they exist.


I think partly Bellamy inspired luffys gear 2nd


Hey Lycan remember when you said Empel Down wasn't scary , this is the bottom of the fire the heat is rising

Etdah Etdah

when i first watch this episode i didnt realize crocidile mention the awakening

Ash Morgane

Magellan is just too cool.


A lot of Vids not working wassup?