Update on Patreon's New Tax Rules (Patreon)
Hello Patrons!!
So we have been notified by Patreon that they will start adding a sales tax to customer's purchases. We have links that provide most of the information that will answer all of your questions, so please do not feel uneasy about it.
We cannot control this new change, but we want to make sure our community is aware of the changes. Located in the link below, you can see what the tax percentage will be based on where you live. The graphic is located towards the middle of the page.
The link pretty much breaks down all the new information, and answers quite a bit of questions that would be commonly asked. Let us know if you have any more questions regarding this new bit of news.
Patreon New Tax Rule Link: https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/360043054911#where