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I've been waiting on this


Says the head bitch boy himself

Sea Knight Jinbei

Hell yeah! gonna get lit later and watch these, then play some animal crossing.




Your insane Sanji had displayed his grit many times. Especially in the Alabasta and Foxy arc.


I hope you guys just ignore the idiot's who talk trash to you. I support what you guys do and appreciate the time you put into making these videos.


I hope they ignore the sicaphants as well. Let them be, without all the mothering.


Robin and Franky over Sanji ? you guys are capping

Muhd Solehin

Sanji is fast and strong. He will always be the 3rd in the crew. The monster trio is like marker or stamp in the history book.


yall keep saying shipwrecks lol

Nick K

I'll pause sometimes just to make sure I'm not mishearing them. It's fine it's just gonna become a meme at this rate.

Lil Zoro Vert

Sanji defeated Bon Clay which I don’t think Robin could defeat. The strongest opponent Robin has faced is probably Pell or dude from Skypiea but Sanji could beat any opponent Robin has


Sanji is beyond impressive. DD seems to forget he has no devil fruit either and still managed to accomplish all these things.


I'm with you guys. Throwing Sanji's no hitting women policy aside, he has no shot against Robin. All these comments just blindly saying Sanji could take her with zero reasoning behind it. Zoro might not even be able to either... really depends just how much brute force he has. Like, Robin had multiple arms breaking each of that huge powerhouse dude from Skypiea's fingers. If Zoro has enough strength to overpower her that way, then sure he's above her. He did lift and throw that building on Mr. 1... Even still, she could just like go for the eyes and get real dirty if she had to, there's really no defense against her power other than logia types. Or Luffy since he's rubber so he would just bend or stretch along with her and it wouldn't do any damage to him.


No one is blindly saying Sanji. There giving reasoning to their argument for him.


Technically yes robin would beat sanji in a fight only because sanji will not hit a girl no matter what.


Sanji has no shot against robin? Youre tripping bro, robin cant do shit anyone who is PHYSICALLY STRONGER than her. There is an episode about robin unable to clutch physically stronger than her. On top of that zoro and sanji are fast and will one shot robin lmao.


Im a new patreon, I really enjoy your content! But anyway, you guys are underestimating sanji so hard. Sanji and zoro are rivals, they are made by oda like brogy and dogy. Even their opponents in major arcs mirror their relationship, for example mr 1 and mr 2. Oda made zoro beat mr 1 and sanji beat mr 2 for a reason. But I guess you wont see that now since you guys are still kinda early into one piece. But being on 200+ episodes you guys should know by now that everything is about portrayal, just because this character or that character has this insane DF doesn’t make him/her stronger than the other.


Yo Zoro and Sanji are rivals in a comedic aspects. I am up to date. Everybody telling you they are Naruto and Sasuke is biased. Keep having your own thoughts on the power scaling based on what you can see please


Im up to date as well, sanji and zoro are real rivals, sure zoro is stronger but those two are on the same level with zoro just slightly ahead because he is the vice captain/first maye. You’re the one biased, one piece is all about portrayals and feats. A person with no df can mop someone with an Op df. If this person is portrayed by oda as someone who is this person rival, then that is what it is. Real world logic doesnt work in this series. I can give you tons of examples but i dont want to say any spoilers.


Sanji getting mopped by Zoro no cap take any arc that they both are in and Zoro would beat him in every one


Can't believe lefty guessed who Cp-9 was