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“Where were all these at when they took our money”😂😂😂😂 the most toxic thing I’ve ever heard someone say lol


One of my favorite episodes in One Piece


The gang didn’t join Luffy just to be friends and join the journey and to have fun. Being pirates isn’t the safest route to take but they still joined the gang knowing full well that Luffy is worth worth of their lives and respect. ‘Captain orders (words) are absolute’, and you can see that in each of the journey they’ve been to, they always just followed what luffy says at the end of the day. So, Ussop asking for a duel against the captain is a BIG thing. And through Luffy’s and Aokiji’s fight you must know how important a DUEL is in one piece. LUFFY may be goofy but we all know that he does not change his mind once he has made a decision mainly when it comes to making decisions that involves his friends lives and his path to be a pirate king. Haha sorry this turned out longer than I wanted. But yeh I just wanted you guys to understand that their friendship is not as simple compared to other shounens out there. Also looking forward to more one piece reactions!❤️


Seeing you guys proud father moment when he Usopp hit him with the impact dial bought a smile to my face.


Usopp knows luffy's strenghts weaknesses fighting style etc. he prepared knowing Luffy has an overwhelming advantage over him using guile and deciet as a weapon fought luffy though still lost in the end. Great reaction guys this arc is where one piece really kicks off and gears move in motion


outta all the crew members i've always considered ussop luffy's bestfriend


Heavy feels aside, its kinda funny hearing you guys say Ussop is Krillin when Luffy is literally the voice for Krillin lol


lowkey ruined reaction


yooo usopp and krillin have the same english voice actor lmao


Also in the English DUB Usopp literally has the same English voice actor as Krillin in DBZ :D


i think the pausing softened the emotional impact this episode should've had


... also Krillin and Luffy have the same japanese voice actress :)

not buggy

my forth-fifth motion for chrunchyroll subtitles please, the last stage for the perfect set up hehe

Yanquoi zaza

Chopper shouldn’t help him. Think about it you lose then the winning team helps you up. Nah

Donell Robbins

I will agree that luffy may not be the smartest in mostly everything he is not only smart when it comes to fighting his is all situational smart


I never noticed between the Crunchyroll and VRV subs until today.


I don't agree, Luffy has never looked down or actually disrespected Usopp, he doesn't look down on anyone, thats just not who Luffy is.

Token Log In

right I feel like it was just the same reasoning as why he wanted chopper on the crew. He saw an awesome monster and only realized later he was a doctor. Usopp was "neat" he didn't realize he was a sniper/gadget man/artist until later

Lil Zoro Vert

I never minded the pausing before but it got to me this episode. I’d prefer it if you let the scene roll out fully and then start discussing because it ruins the mood



Danger Tomato

Their pausing ain't as bad as some people lol

Sea Knight Jinbei

Yo Double Dragon, don't forget you guys made a bet regarding if Paulie has a rope devil fruit


you were almost there! Usopp was looking down at Luffy and forgot that luffy IS the capt and he isnt and saw and respected Luffy more as a friend than a capt. Zoro always went with what luffy ordered, no matter how bizzare it sounded. he respected Luffy as the capt and Usopp didnt. i believe that's what led to this aftermath.


I've always fucking loved this story. It gets even better in the next few arcs.


I agree, but I think they do it to avoid crying. Otherwise they wouldn't have been able to comment much this episode.