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If you spoil one piece you a bitch


I agree but stop saying it before someone takes that as a challenge....

Sebastian Münzberg

I'm really enjoying these reactions and your personalities, makes rewatching the series even more precious! Oh and stay safe everyone!!!

Belt Cedd

Cool reaction bros. Shit's about to get real. 😔


Lycan be missing stuff while talking then switches detective mode on everything he sees 😂 Im enjoying the reactions, stay safe.

Belt Cedd

I felt a little bad watching him try to rationalize a way to fix the merry and say there's gotta be a specialist for her.....it was funny at first, but then I started to feel sad for him. 😔


dudes u need to chill on the amount of times u pause it


You can watch it on your own if you dont like them pausing it. Let the guys to their thing


I just want to binge your guys’ reaction to this arc. I can’t wait! Lol


All these people saying they "missing" stuff. What exactly are y'all even referring to, in this one specifically now? They trying their best and quite frankly, I am not sure what you think they're "missing."


Double Dragon y all should get a guy to filter your comments on patreon. Some people I think they mean well, but can't help to drop hints for a reason I do not know


great reaction guys. and for everyone saying they are missing stuff this is one piece all that stuff will be brought up multiple times again down the line and in more detail. people need to chill and let them enjoy this amazing one piece journey.


Hi guys, very soon things are about to get real, that's why i think maybe we should try to increase or the rhythm or the amount of episodes released with the same rhythm, just a thought, but i feel like we sometimes doesn't feel the real intensity of what's going on due to these long pause between each releasing day


I love these reactions. Everyone stay safe due to Covid 19, have a great weekend where ever you are and god bless.

Lil Zoro Vert

Lycan dont trust nobody 😂


Your comment will make him think that his deduction is wrong....that’s why it’s not good to say what you said. Let’s say I’m a doctor and your in the hospital and you say something like “your pretty sure you have a minor infection or something”. But then you overhear me say to another doctor, “once he said he has a minor infection, I felt bad” if you overheard that you would think that your probably wrong and it’s something more serious.


Can we say Sunday Surprise Uploads

Roberto marshall

We need 3-4 episodes per vid now, this arc is too lit


Guys I did the math so you don't have to. DD upload an average of 24 OP vids a month. There is 927 episodes on OP roster that has been previously aired and 2 upcoming episodes. There are a total of 56 filler episodes in the entire series to date. Subtracting the fillers Amenz and Lycan is 639 episodes from being caught up on OP. If you guys continue your pace of 24 episode uploads a month starting at episode 232 you will be caught up to episode 927 (NOT THE CURRENT EPISODE) in 2 years, 2 months, and 3 weeks. That's insane. Enthusiasm will dwindle people will become impatient and watch on their own. I don't care who you are. 2 years and some months for one series is a lot to ask from someone and you still wont be up to date. Respectfully could you please do 4 episodes an upload resulting in 48 episodes a month to cut that 2 year 2 month date to 1 year and 1 months. We'll take even 3 bare minimum. We know you guys work and have lives but this is doable and all of us in Fire Nation would appreciate the commitment to the fans.

not buggy

they said they trying to do 9 a week, thats 36 a month. so all we can do is be patient


I'll watch them watch it for 2 years i dont give a fuck.


"I'm too happy, something's not right. It can't be the shipwrights, it's gotta be Iceberg!" Hiarious