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I generally enjoy the escape aspect but the beginning was more of the crew mates in their element too. I enjoyed it, don't know what people told you, but it is a different kind of filler to me

Trafalgar Law (An Average Makima Enjoyer)

My first time watching G8 with you but it's a pretty chill arc, i'd say its a good arc in the standards of filler as you get to see more of the crew in their natural element opposed to them being in fights 24/7


I think G8 is top tier in when it comes to anime filler. But it doesn't come close to cannon arcs.

Nick K

The lesson is: ignore the hype, don't let others set your expectations, just watch everything and decide for yourselves.


Personally enjoyed this filler myself and I think Jonathons character/demeanor is bad ass as well!


I mean it' filler. And a really good filler to be honest. It has elements of all crew members together. Yes there is no "Arlong walk" moment or Fight moment. This arc is just there because of many funny scenes. If you guys like fights so much just skip it. I thought you would enjoy it


It's not about hype. This arc is for many One piece fans really enjoyable even if its filler. Does filler mean you have to put fights there? no. Does it have to be more hype than canon story? No. Its just a funny little arc and you read too much into it


Just skip it if you don't want to watch a funny little arc. One Piece is not always about fights and hype moments. Sometimes the interactions are the best elements of a story and this filler proved it.


Honestly, the comments that talk about how "They can't wait for the next arc" and how "Hyped they are for next week!" are the worst offenders for lowkey spoilers. They amp up your expectations and you lose out on a little bit of the reward that is the surprise reveals in One Piece. Everyone should only talk about episodes that you guys have already watched, and nothing about whats to come.


Yeah just skip this arc dudes. Nothing about this arc is hype or intense. It's definitely not bad. I think you should have asked people WHY they wanted you to watch it so badly before going through with it. It's just a nice, fun arc which makes the world feel a bit more real, instead of going from hectic af arc to the next. If you aren't feeling it, it's cool. Skip to 227, that's when the next major arc begins. And you best believe the hype for that arc is REEAL

Danger Tomato

See even they find this filler bs boring. Yall really do hype fillers up.


I feel so bad for you guys lol, getting yourselves so hyped up. Speculating that freakin Whitebeard or Shanks would be in the filler arc. LMAO


These moments are very memorable and solidifies each character's ideologies. Usopp and his love for the ship. Sanji and his principles to cooking and feeding people. Chopper and his principles in the medical field. Robin and her curiosity/exploration. All that in addition to the funny moments. I feel when I watched this arc for the first time, I had a similar reaction to you both, but after hundreds of episodes, I come to realize these small moments hit me different because of the connection I've built with these characters over the past years. Also unlike most of the fillers, this filler focuses on the straw hats more than the enemy. That's why there's so much love to it. This might not be what you guys are looking for/hyping for, but it's how I personally view this arc. I would watch it all over again.


Fillers are never worth it, especially in OP which has such amazing CANON story arcs


The problem is this is filler and they would've skipped it had it not been hyped.


Patients my brothers. This arc has it's own different flare to it. once its over you can jump straight to 226/227. Be open minded and just enjoy the experience.


You guys should just keep true to your orginal plan. Skip every filler episodes, none of them are worth it. And don't read comments here, there's only spoilers and people trying to ruin the experience.


Please skip this filler


we all trying to throw you guys off xD


Yall really convinced them to watch a filler when we have WATER 7 next....whyyyY???


Cuz water seven aint next. Hell, let's convince them to skip Foxy lol.


to me the only good thing about OP fillers is the comedian and thats it.


lol we all know that arc is trash. if they dont like G8 i dont think they will like that one either.

Mabdi of the sand

Just skip the filler if u haven't enjoyed it so far why continue on if ur not enjoying it?


I think the reason everyone likes this is because it's so different from normal. Usually they fight against warriors, but this is the only time I can think of where they have to fight a strategic battle. Plus the great jokes. Those help.