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Darren Stewart

in the original avatar, the explanation for bending was that people learned it from the animals. Fire benders from the dragons, earth from the giant badger moles, air from the sky bison, and water from the observing the shifting ocean tides (koi fish?). Idk I like them linking it back to the lion turtles and connecting it more with the spiritual world, but wish they hadnt retconned it.


I've always viewed it as something like "the ability to throw a punch" vs. "learning a style of punching." The lion turtles gave humans the ability to bend the elements (throwing a punch), but the animals showed humans how to perfect it for each element (learning a style like karate or kung fu or Brazilian jiu-jitsu). We saw that with Wan doing the same dragon dance in part 1 that Aang and Zuko did in season 3.