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To give you a brief context about why you will find the world in the way it is, we'll have a talk show intro. Here are some renders we made to test the place where the TV show will happen and other ones for the characters - 2 professors and 1 TV presenter.



Tom Swift Sr.

I never played the game, but this reminds me of the beginning of the television series "The Last of Us." And I recall other similar times this "trope" was used in other TV series and movies as well. There is *nothing* wrong with doing this! It is a simple, yet direct and informative way to set things up for the story to come. If it is often used, it is because it is *effective*. And it's better, more dramatic, than have written explanations appear on the screen at the start. Perhaps you could have one of these characters reappear later in the story? Perhaps one of the professors might be able to assist the main character in some way? That would be a nice internal story connection to have happen, I think.


That's the reference, Tom! For now, I don't have any ideas for one of them reappear later in the story but I'm sure they can be very useful in narrative aspects.