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Alpha Brotherhood's Future

  • Yes! Let's do this! 16
  • Good luck but I'm not ready for a new project. 5
  • 2023-09-12
  • —2023-09-15
  • 21 votes
{'title': "Alpha Brotherhood's Future", 'choices': [{'text': "Yes! Let's do this!", 'votes': 16}, {'text': "Good luck but I'm not ready for a new project.", 'votes': 5}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 9, 15, 22, 41, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 9, 12, 12, 59, 23, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 21}


Hello, guys!

First of all, thank you to everyone who joined Patreon. It's really good to see that an idea I had months ago brought so many people here - now Patreon is more than 2 times its initial size. For those who don't know, Alpha Brotherhood was initially written by me and then, after believing in Patreon's potential, I hired a junior scriptwriter to write new scenes based on what I felt would be interesting for you.

In the first few months, things went very well, even though she had difficulty writing a story that showed more and said less (the famous dilemma "show, don't tell"). It was not a big problem considering she was a junior but she started to pay attention to things that didn't add anything to improve her work. She gave feedback about the marketing we were making on the company, started to use A LOT of visual effects on the story ignoring my feedback of focusing on writing, and made SO MANY changes to the text that - as you saw on the last build, we lost A LOT of voice over lines we have had.

So, after feeling very overwhelmed with so many demands she was bringing to me, I held a feedback meeting. I told her, in the most polite way possible, how the company works (again! I told her that before hiring her), my expectations of her work, and how things should happen from that time on. The result of this meeting was totally unexpected: she freaked out!

Over the next few days, she decided not to participate in our team meetings and then wrote me a HUGE message (like a teenager would) telling me that she was doing the things she was doing BECAUSE I ASKED HER TO DO IT (what the hell?!). She basically ignored my feedback to do her deliverables in accordance with how the team works to focus on the fact that I was the villain in asking her to do her job properly. It was too much for me, guys! I had to fire her.

That's why I'm writing this post, guys. Alpha Brotherhood doesn't have a writer anymore and I'm too frustrated with this project. I don't have any motivation to move it forward - at least for now.

This doesn't mean we don't have any content for this month. We still have the last NSFW scenes that will be available by the end of this month and we'll have our monthly Guys Gallery. However, for the next month, I'd like to start a new project. Maybe something new helps me to forget the bad experience with Alpha. Can I count on you in this new attempt?

I'm really grateful for the new supporters and I'll understand if you don't want to stay if we start a new project but I can't compromise myself as something that I don't have a minimum level of interest in it.


Tom Swift Sr.

Is there a way you (or someone you trust, maybe another Itch.io or Pateron creator who does gay visual novels) could do a very quick ending for "Alpha Brotherhood"? Just to wrap it up? Just a suggestion. You might also want to consider doing a general outline of an entire project (if you don't do so already) before passing it on to someone else, so that they know what the story MUST BE, but can add in their own details. As for a new project, I really do prefer the 3-D artwork to the drawn ones, and you seem to like the fantasy genre -- maybe science fiction? -- so how about something along those lines? Maybe more of an urban fantasy setting? Not like "Wand Out", but something a little more gritty (and dirty)? Maybe even something in the horror genre? (I do wish there was more *good* gay horror.) I'm sadden this happened to you. I've seen similar things happen in the creative community. People get hired to do something in particular and then go in the opposite direction -- and end up getting fired. **


Hello Tom. Thank you for your comprehension and your feedback. I believe it's possible to make a very quick ending for Alpha if I hire a Fiiver freelancer. At the beginning of this year, I worked with a few of them but they stopped working with it - one of the reasons I hired the junior scriptwriter. Regarding this new project, I'd like to explore the talent of our 3D artist. She is REALLY good and I want to keep her on the team, so an idea with a lot of renders is a perfect match for the situation. My first thought was to create a 3D 'speed date' game - something like you have a lot of guys with unique personalities and you would be able to have a short date with them (think about you meeting someone at the club, having sex with them and then you go to the next). This idea would be really focused on being an interactive story with a few lines, then multiple choices that lead to unique sensual/sexual renders. I'm not sure about the genre (I really enjoy fantasy and in the last few months I've been into sci-fi stories) but terror is definitely a thing that I can't write - I don't watch/read anything related to it (LMAO!).