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Hello everyone!

It's time to release a new month's build, and we significantly improved this one. Check them out:

  • Jim's route has been released: You'll be able to meet another professor (our chubby one) and this 'meeting moment' can happen in two different ways. If you met Alex on the bus, you'll have one scene. If you haven't met him (aka 'you travel standing during the bus scene'), you'll meet Jim in another way.
  • New fantasy for Mason's NSFW scene in the bathroom: now if you meet Alex and you choose 'Joke with him', you'll be able to have a lewd fantasy with Alex.
  • Ben's Introduction: You'll be able to meet the football coach but the proper meeting won't happen in this month's build
  • Render update for Culp's first scene and a few adjustments for Alex's bus scene: new renders to have them according to new characters' body and outfit. Also, the illumination is much better!
  • More than 5k words have been added;
  • More than 25 renders have been added (around 10 NSFW);
  • A public Itch.io build has been released so that new people can join our Patreon: I'm worried that this project has been developing for more than 4 months and we still have a low number of supporters. Itch.io's build ends after Culp's scene so it's basically the content you guys known/played for months.

You can download the build on the mirror below. The password is available here.

Mirror: here 

For those who haven't played our Orgasm Day Side Story, you can download the build here and get its password here.

Hope you all enjoy it and feel free to report any bugs.




The APK version will be released tomorrow