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Video Game

Producer: Josh Bevan

Director(s): Dr. Laila Shereen Sakr & Dr. Susana Ruiz

Writer: Josh Bevan

Casting Director: Josh Bevan.

Please only apply if you are fluent in Arabic. Two rehearsal days and 3 remote recording days will be scheduled during the last week of October. If we later receive funding to expand the prototype into a full-length title, that will be paid work. These are voice-over roles, spoken mostly in English with occasional lines in Arabic. Your physical appearance will not matter.


25 to 60 years old, all ethnicities woman. Sherene spent her life studying what the world was like before the disaster, but when she stumbles upon an ancient, reality-bending robot, she learns that it was all a lie. Full of the pain of betrayal and a yearning to set things right, she sets out to uncover a history of buried people's movements, and to stop those who erased it. Pitted against hypnotic superintelligent machines and estranged, apathetic posthumans, this may be her only chance to change the world forever. Must speak Arabic fluently and idiomatically. VOICEOVER.

20 to 50 years old, any gender. Untouchable is the descendant of a line of people who resisted the rule of the oppressors - they've lived their entire life in an invisible prison city hiding in plain site. Their only knowledge of the outside has come from a secretive organization known as The North...VOICEOVER

Voice must have gravitas. 23 to 50 years old, all ethnicities any gender. Qaabid is a virtual being of indeterminate gender with concerns and goals so foreign to flesh and blood that it finds its position as a supervisor of flesh and blood humans beneath them. It takes its job with dire seriousness, always seeking promotion, but truly hates the flesh and blood people with whom it works...VOICEOVER

Storyline: Data Bodies is a narrative-focused game with an original aesthetic combining glitch art, a vision of augmented reality, and Arab cultures. Set in the 23rd century Middle East and North Africa, the physical and virtual have merged into one hypno-surreal reality called The Layer. Spaces in the layer are hypnotically suggestive and have been designed to make revolt literally unthinkable. You play as Sherene, a cyborgian historian steeped in illusions who, harassed by her digital doppelganger 'Data Body', and aided by the glitch powers of her charming, ancient AI companion Botta, start to uncover the lost fragments of a history of people's movements that have long been suppressed by the hypnotic, purely digital ruling class known as the A-Life.



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