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Here is where I'll put the rumors I hear remember unlike a grid when it's 100% this is a RUMOR.


-Heard Emma Stone might return for the Spidey Multiverse thing they are doing in Spider-Man 3 as Spider-Gwen.
And Jackman for Doctor Strange 2.

-Leto wants a Solo Joker film.

-There is an interest in Keanu for Deathstroke. Doesn't meant Joe can't come back or Keanu doing another Constantine tho since the Multiverse is now at play.

-And heard Marvel wants to adapt these stories; Civil War 2, World War Hulk and Avengers Forever.

-Holland wants Spidey to go back to space.

-Tobey's Spidey will have a Son.

-Brie is pushing for more female Marvel Heroes for her sequel and other MCU films.




How can they do World War Hulk when Universal still has the Hulk film distribution rights?


We thought for a long time that Universal had the rights for She Hulk. Now we get a series with her. They might have negotiated something.


Avengers Forever and Civil War 2 are definetly their "Endgame" level type movies for the future. I know you point it out as rumor but I am personally sure they will adapt this sooner or later.


I’m excited for Spiderman 3 but it would be odd to have this many multiverse cameos and not have Garfield or Tobey wouldn’t it? Perhaps I’m wrong but that just seems odd.


Civil War 2? Really? I’d have to imagine they just want another movie of heroes fighting each other and don’t plan to adapt ... that.


Does Warner wants the Leto Joker movie ?

Sean Northridge

Any weird rumours you've heard?


I hope Avengers 5 is World War Hulk, with Hulk getting mad that Banner took over.


I think Jackman will be Wolverine in the MCU. Just my opinion.


Godzilla vs Kong trailer when ?


Tobey has a son?!?! So is he basically back? Just hasn’t officially signed on yet?


We want more DC News!


Viola Davis will be in The Snyder cut?