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Steph's, experimental, story is at it's end. The 3rd part will be finished next week. (unless I get sick or something).


After that, we are continuing the Crusader saga, and the Secret Santa roullete will continue at it's normal pace (one drawing per character).

Hang in there Steph! Don't give in!




Awesome can't wait for part 3. Glad to know we're going back to the original plan of 1 per character, though makes me a bit sad as that means this will probably be the highlight of the entire secret Santa event. At least the rest will be consistent. I will say that part 2 fixed a majority of my issues with with the new style that I had with part 1. Except the large lack of background and scenery in the smaller panels still persists.


Yeah, the backgrounds tend to need time to render. So I skipped backgrounds in many panels to save time. Cause the characters and telling the story is my main focus here. Blender is a weird program. I hope I get the handle on it untill I start the Crusaders again.