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I've been silent for these couple of weeks due to head problems. Been having head dizzines and hazzines a lot. Didn't want to post anything cause I thought i would get better in a week.

Seen some doctors, done a lot of tests and the results are STRESS FALLOUT or something like that. 

Due to having the most horrible year in my life (stress wise). My body is now feeling the results of it.

Don't worry though, I'm NOT HAVING A BURNOUT, quite contrary, I'm pumped up on drawing. And can't wait to get back to it. I just need to wait a few weeks for this to settle down. I'm already feeling a bit better, but I still can't draw due to the hazziness.

I'll keep you all updated from now on.

And If this doesnt settle, the next month will be free too.



2020 and 2021 were awful years for a lot of peoples' stress and mental health. Rest lots, take care of yourself, and prioritize your recovery. The Crusade will endure. Deus Vult! 07


Hope your doing alright man. I'll admit, when I saw that message pop up I got a slight scare😅


Prompt rétablissement, like what the French would say


Take your time recovering man. Health comes First


Take care of yourself. We'll all be here. No worries


Hope you feel better soon! I am glad that you already feel improvements in your well-being. It's just a matter of time. Get well!


It is sad. However, this happens, perhaps it happened because of your overexertion. I advise you to relax well