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So, I've seen a lot of people leaving me EXIT SURVEYS that Im not active enough.

I dont understand what they mean by that? 

I know I posted more before, but now I reduced it to just posting a few big posts (with all the drawings), so that the Patreon page doesnt get overcrowded with unneccessary ones.

How many posts do other artists deliver on a monthly basis?

I mean, I can be more active, no problem, but I really didnt want to bother people with unrelated nonesense.

But if you feel my PATREON is too bare, please vote and give me some feedback so I can improve it. I live to learn.

If you feel too uncomfortable posting a critique in the comments, please feel free to send me a personal message.

Thanks guys.



I think your work is of great quality and I’m always excited to see what you do next. I’m more than happy to wait for that. Just remember, you can’t please everyone.


Thanks, I wouldnt be making a big deal about it if i didnt get it constantly. I just wished they would tell me about it in PM


Iskreno cak i jedna kvalitetna slika je vise no dovoljna. Slusas ljude, dobar si umetnik, opusti se.


I think that the content being in Google Drive is hiding your efforts. I actually make it a habit of checking each folder individually to make sure I'm not missing anything new. And you do post several high-quality pages and comics in one shot, so it's definitely not a question of quantity. Or quality imo. But as any business owner might attest, presentation is as important as the product, and filtering through Drive for your new work kinda sucks. I can understand why you do it, though. If it's not directly on Patreon, you can worry less about them reacting to trolls reporting and the like. It's a hard problem to solve.


It is understandable that some patrons want more content, but for me and likely many others, I understand how time consuming art can be. Especially when you compare your work to others in the DeviantArt Community, nobody even comes close in terms of the quality and detail IMO. Thats what keeps me here at least. I don't know if its even possible to please people who want more content without sacrificing quality or burning yourself out. Unless you feel like you could do more, but I have been around long enough to see you burn yourself out more than once. If you are comfortable with the pace you set, then I think you should stick to it.

Brendon Boloico

Your current pace is fine with me


Znam da će uvijek bit ljudi koji traže više, al moram pitati za svaku sigurnost


Thats a good suggestion. This is the reason why Im trying to open a PrimeLeap account, their gallery seems more accessible than Drive. On Patreon im not allowed to post anything since someone reported me for the Gloria story.


Thanks for the compliment. Burning out is a fear that was realised many times. I was forced to simplify my comics a bit in order to keep the pace. Highlighting only the important stuff. Are you a Patron of some other artists on Patreon? Are other artists faster?


Fine with your rhythm, man, keep up the awesome work :D


I think the issue is that these days you post the work when its full colored and completed. in earlier days you used to post black and white pics before the colored story, which gave people something to look forward to, keep them in suspense, make people feel its worth the wait and so on. Now this is just my opinion i think it would help if you posted stuff that shows progression in your current projects, on a more regular basis, like twice or three times a week. I say this because your average consumer of comics don't understand how time consuming drawing comics is, especially your comics that are very high level with your own unique art style. Anyway i love your work , keep it up.


That makes sense. Ill try posting the progression more. I already have something to post tommorow.

Rodrigo Digsby

Personally, I don’t mind, but as others have said, other artists on Patreon often do smaller teasers, lineart, etc. — little things to increase their engagement without much of an increase to their workload, so it could be worth doing something like that yourself! My suggestion would be to aim to post *something* three times a week (can help a lot to plan in advance what those things will be), just to ensure you always seem to be active. Especially given how much effort you put into your work compared to most others, I’m sure it can only do good things for your page to show off your progress regularly, and give patrons an idea of what goes on behind the scenes!


Alrighty then, ill post more teasers, and work progression.


I honestly ain’t even trippin. Post what you want when you want.

M. Broguy

I just noticed that I totally missed your last big post and I must admit that because of that I also had a feeling that you weren't really active enough lately. I have no idea why exactly I'm having such problems seeing and finding your new uploads, but if some others have the same issues, that could explain why they're leaving. Regrettably I have no idea what you could do about that, as at least in theory your uploading system seems pretty good. :/


You missed it? Doesnt your email notify you about new submissions?


You have to remember some people just like to complain, look at the world we live in. I love your product. I've said once and I'll say it again, I think me and fellow patrons gravitated towards your art because of your talent drawing tickling and feet. That your bread and butter. I've felt in the past you were getting away from it a bit and being a little too focused on the story of the characters but this crusader legacy ship i think your going to knock it out of the park... well done so far. You colors are stellar, and you have a very open mind wanting criticism and most of all new ideas. Keep up the great work Briel7.


im more frustrated that my poll picks are usually the unpopular ones


You know, people are greedy ! 50 comic pages per week, that would be great ! :) While waiting for the pages of the end of the month, what does it mean to be active ? Some artist do various polls, like on the direction of the story or whatever, or they post a draw on one page, or they draw a commission. Personally, as I don't have access to the soleshots 22$, I would be happy to have a mid-month drawing. I even have some ideas. For example, continue the story of the crusader's origin with one page showing a torture of Miss Bird every month. Or a before / after drawing, that is to say one drawing with a powerful character who wins and submits her enemies and a second drawing which shows the same character caught by the crusaders, defeated and being tickled and submitted. Why not the first drawing for the 4$ and the second for the 6$ ... Just suggestions ...


Personally I think you are one of the best out there, I've been subbed to people who post 1 or 2 pics a month which of them are below average (in terms of ideas and they re use it over and over again) and charge more where you post a lot more than that and the quality of the artwork are amazing and so are the situations and there is always something new in yours. I suppose some people are greedy and want more or maybe they just expect to get something from time to time instead of all in one go. I can see why some people may leave as they are impatient and sorta just want what they pay for although they get a lot more than they pay for imo it's just it doesn't seem like they do to them since they have to wait a while which I personally have no problem with. I would suggest adding a teaser now and then to get people excited for what they are waiting for and I don't mean just one, but a few over time like one a week or something to make people seem like you are more active lets say, I wouldn't suggest making an extra drawing (I wouldn't complain) but I don't want you to get rushed and make the other drawings lower quality or whatnot, but about the teaser thing also idk if it could backfire if people get hyped to much then they get dissapointed but so far I haven't gotten that from you yet so maybe try it out and see how it goes! just my opinion anyway good work btw!