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Who should enter the monthly pools? 

Characters that have the most votes will remain for the next month, the others will be removed.

You can choose more than one.

Descriptions below:

Niara - The daughter of the Sun God

  • Race: goddess
  • Sex: unknown
  • Age ...
  • height: 630 cm
  • Shoe size: 84 (25)

The daughter of the sun god, Niara is the subject of desire in the hearts of men and women everywhere. She is a goddess of beauty, the dawn, and hope, inspiring heroes to great feats against powerful monsters. Though she is a goddess, she loves mortals and wishes to see them do well, thus she actually resides in a grandiose cathedral to the gods. She rests, awaiting heroes to come for her blessing, naive to the reasons why she is actually visited. However, all are too awestruck by her grandeur and the simple scale of her body to attempt anything wrong to her, or even make an advance. It would take someone truly insane to do such a thing to her. However, her demeanor prevents her from even harming a fly.

Brooklyn Smith - The archeologist

  • Race: human female
  • Sex: heterosexual
  • Age 29  
  • height: 160 cm
  • Shoe size: 41 (9)

Brooklyn Smith was only in middle school when she read about the discovery of Tutankhamun's treasure but the prospect of globe trotting discovery was already ingrained in her heart. A veritable tomboy growing up in Tennessee she studied hard and graduated with the highest GPA in the tri county area, securing enrollment and a grant for Columbia University. There she majored in Archaeology and for her doctoral work began going about the world securing valuable and magnificently stunning artifacts from all over the Middle East and Northern Africa. Her findings were lauded with praise though there were some who questioned the authenticity of her work. None greater than her assertion that an undiscovered tomb lay in secret in the Valley of the Kings, protected by the rapids of the Nile and hidden from mention by almost all hieroglyphic text. Her research on the tomb of Amon Zulor was so scrutinized that Archeological Board threatened to revoke her PHD causing Brooklyn to undertake a mission to prove her case, charting an expedition to reach the lost tomb, a journey that proves so dangerous that she alone dares it. Despite the peril she succeeds in finding the lost tomb in all it's glory. However what she was not counting on was that the tomb would in fact already be discovered, but not in the past, but from the future, a trap laid for her by a strange Crusade who have very elaborate plans for the daring adventurer who clearly needs to relax.

Tiare - The barefoot adventurer and plant controller

  • Race: half human, half dryad
  • Sex: female
  • Age: 23
  • Height: 183 cm
  • Shoe size: 45 (15,5)

Growing up in an orphinage with no known relations, Tiare quickly learned to take care of herself and what little she cares about. She learned at a young age that she could comunicate and control the flora around her and that this was far from normal, freaking out several other children when she showed the command she has over plantlife. The closer she is to the plants with bare skin, the better the connection, because of that she's developed a strong dislike for all footwear as they block her powers. 

Thrown out of the orphanage at the age of 17. After some time as a tavern maiden, she decided to try and figure out more about her mysterious parents and became an adventurer. Although not a great one as she always stopped to belittle people for hurting plantlife wherever she went. 

Tiare is generally not a mean person, although her single minded quest to make people treat plants as good as people can quickly turn confrontational and often end in the situation being overall worse than before. 

Alexandra Carter - the naive college freshman

  • Race: human female
  • Sex: heterosexual
  • Age: 18
  • Height: 182 cm
  • Shoe Size: 43 (12)

Meet Alex, black, naturally curly, often worn in ponytail. A beautiful ebony girl from the city of Toronto. Loves sports, outgoing, and hip hop, always has a smile on her face and unaware of the fetish world. Alex is really quite the physical specimen. An outgoing, competitive, athlete that currently attends college with aspirations to become a professional basketball player. Due to her sheer size, being 6'2" and having size 12 feet, she's an extremely important asset for her team. As useful as her feet are here, they also have a second beneficial purpose, one she doesn't know about yet, and that no amount of athleticism can save her from…

p.s. Being a college student, she obviously needs all the money she can get; upon seeing a flyer for a company she's never heard of, and seeing the pay is good, she decides to take a chance with it. The company? Plumeville

Zethra - the ki warrior

  • Race: human female
  • Sex: heterosexual
  • Age: 19
  • Height: 183 cm
  • Shoe Size: 45 (14) 

A young and powerful ki and aura warrior. She is very tall, with size 14 feet, long soles and toes that are very sensitive as they have never been tickled before. However she is not shy about showing off her feet which is why she wears sandals. Even in combat. She is very strong but in a lithe and wiry way. Zethra has medium-long black hair,  pulled back in a ponytail. Tall and has very large feet, but she is not shy about it as she flaunts sandals and a shiny gold toe ring in combat, and even goes so far as to force her opponents to worship her feet after a victory when she is feeling particularly full of herself. She primarily uses ki and aura manipulation to defeat her opponents as she is severely lacking in martial arts capabilities. However this has never been a problem for Zethra as she uses a technique called "Heaven's Gate" to exponentially increase the amount of energy she can wield, allowing her to defeat her opponents in one or two massive ki blasts. The only downside to the technique being that it drains almost all of her stamina after using it. Because she is only 19 and this tactic has never failed her, Zethra has developed an incredibly cocky attitude, which may come back to bite her should she encounter an opponent capable enough to outwit her.

Tsona The sadistic Crusader

  • Race: human female
  • Sex: heterosexual
  • Age: 24
  • Height: 150 cm
  • Shoe Size: 39 (8) 

Light brown skin, and 150cm high. Lives on an earth like planet, who's civilization is an odd mixture of medieval and dark ages with some modern sorcery. Grown up in a prestigious family. From a young age she showed sadistic tendencies  costing her parents quite a bit in bribes and hush money over the years. Knowing that she can never be trusted in the civilized world and would only keep causing them pain, her parents used their influence to get her into the specialists regiment for the upcoming crusade to the western kingdoms.

Upon finding out her role she immediately departed. Tsona fantasized and day dreamed the entire journey to the encampment to begin her apprenticeship as an interrogator. Since that day her darkness and desire for torment has only increased and she has become known among the ranks as a living demon often laughing and smiling during the most 'intense' investigations. Because of this she now wears a mask for most of her duties so she can concentrate without hiding her true emotion.

Inferzena Nouva - Queen of dragons

  • Race: female dragon
  • Sex: heterosexual
  • Age: 1052
  • Height: 183 cm
  • Shoe Size: 45 (14) 

A 1000 year old Queen of the Fire Dragons, and a dragon herself in a young girls human form. Inferzena is a good willed leader who formed a clan called „Excorryu“ who cares and protects the human race from demons of the deep. They have nothing but love for the human race. Inferenza, is strong willed but playfull. She views ticking as a very happy sensation that always makes her smile and feel happy. Her feet are her most sensitive and favorite spot to be tickled. Because of her being a dragon and her incredible strength, she can take a lot of tickle torture...which means the Crusade will have to bring the big guns on this one.

Sydney - the demoness

  • Race: demon from hell
  • Sex: unknown
  • Age: ...
  • Height: 172 cm
  • Shoe Size: 39 (8) 

A notorious demoness spawned from the Fourth Circle of Hell. Known to her fellow demons as Syd the Greed. Her possessive deeds have travelled far and wide, as has she in her insatiable hunger to make humans, demons and angels alike suffer and squirm beneath her ravenous touch. There is no discrimination. She has her favorites, but claims no friends, seeing all whom she captures or has once captured as her playthings. She treats the one who desires her touch the same as the one who reveres it, drawing equal screams and pleas of mercy (or more) from both.   She is dangerous. She is wanted. She is untouchable... or so she thinks. Capturing the crusaders could prove a task too difficult for even this bitchy, greedy demoness.

Laura - The real-estate agent

  • Race: human female
  • Sex: heterosexual
  • Age: 28
  • Height: 160 cm
  • Shoe Size: 37 (6) 

Laura is a petite framed girl, with petite feet. In her late twenties trying to find a “worthy” man who can give her the life of luxury she’s always dreamed of. This dream has lead her into the Real-estate business, where she discovered a few shortcuts in the business. By hiding some tiny details regarding the properties and discrediting her fellow workers, she could get very juicy bonuses... And if a costumer ever complained, she’d find a way to pin the blame on anyone other than herself.

Jenna - The physics student

  • Race: human female
  • Sex: heterosexual
  • Age: 19
  • Height: 175 cm
  • Shoe Size: 40 (9,5) 

Jenna is a PHD student working on a graduate thesis in quantum physics. A pale girl who spends a great deal of time studying. Her research however is her fatal flaw, for in her efforts to unravel the mysteries of quantum physics she came to discover the existence of parallel dimensions. She also comes to the conclusion that the dimensions are controlled through forces of immense deviousness and she fears she will be the victim of the universes ire. She needs to be prepared for this.

Camwyn - Great Sorceress of Fire

  • Race: female elf
  • Sex: heterosexual
  • Age: 255
  • Height: 180 cm
  • Shoe Size: 40 (9,5) 

Elvish beauty with black hair, pointy ears and fire-infused red eyes. Born with great dispositions for magic, Camwyn has always been a respected and feared Sorceress. Taken away from her family at a young age and kept locked in the Magical Tower until her adulthood. She learned to master her fire powers and to use it for domination. It started with duels where her foes had no chances of winning. But she took pleasure humiliating and torturing them. Then war came and she took slaves for rewarding herself of her participation in massive slaughters. Most of the Lords were disgusted by this spoiled magical freak but few were brave enough to approach the Great Sorceress... Smart genius spoiled and blinded by her powers. Cruel mistress with no respect for others lives'.


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