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The initiates are here! 

NEW RULE - Since there are so many, we will need to trim some out.


Crusaders, we must choose wisely.


·Cassandra – The Maneater

Shea was always viewed in high regard since childhood to be a beautiful girl and while some people would laugh and be ingratiated by such praise Cassie took it to heart from an early age and decided that she would use her looks to live the life in the lap of luxury. Globetrotting as a grinning socialite the young lady cooed and smiled her way into the hearts of all too eager men and women all around the world who Cassie was all to eager to receive their affections but the real catch came when she met an incredibly aged English gentlemen, Lord Simon Ravenmire, who was absolutely smitten with her. After an immediate fling Cassie was quick to clamp down on him and the two were married, Cassie now only having to play the waiting game for the heir-less millionaire's wealth and property to be all hers. She doesn't have to wait long for her to get her wish as the old man quietly dies in his sleep just a few days after their wedding, but as she is laughing her way back from the funeral, the unfortunate widow soon finds out that the inheritor of Lord Ravenmire's Estate is The Crusade and that inheritance includes her and an old English dungeon that has been retro-fitted to be the perfect pleasure palace. 

- If you are interested in the full story, message me in the comments. - 

· Tsona – The violent Crusader

Light brown skin, and 150cm high. Lives on an earth like planet, who's civilization is an odd mixture of medieval and dark ages with some modern sorcery. Grown up in a prestigious family. From a young age she showed sadistic tendencies  costing her parents quite a bit in bribes and hush money over the years. Knowing that she can never be trusted in the civilized world and would only keep causing them pain, her parents used their influence to get her into the specialists regiment for the upcoming crusade to the western kingdoms.

Upon finding out her role she immediately departed. Tsona fantasized and day dreamed the entire journey to the encampment to begin her apprenticeship as an interrogator. Since that day her darkness and desire for torment has only increased and she has become known among the ranks as a living demon often laughing and smiling during the most 'intense' investigations. Because of this she now wears a mask for most of her duties so she can concentrate without hiding her true emotion.

·Lanchelle – The Chinese fighter

A female fighter from a different world. A Chinese Kung-fu master that can manipulate water and ice elements, even freeze time. But when fighting other fighters, she will not use her superpowers, she deems it unfair. In addition, an extremely rare Amethyst can weaken her defense and power. Even make her more sensitive. Her character is gentle and kind, so she won't deliberately torture her opponent, but she never show's mercy or carelessness when fighting, out of respect for her oponnent. Her fighting skills are as good as her abilities. She is good at dispersing her oponnents attacks. They say "It's as if you were fighting with water". Besides, she knows the weaknesses of the human body very well. She is good at winning by one move. 

Her feet are very big, size US - 15, EU – 47. And very sensitive. Many people who have seen her in the arena want to tickle her big feet to make her submit. But she is to powerful for anyone to take off her shoes, but it also attracts many people. After all, the more you can't get, the more you want.

· Camwyn - Great Sorceress of Fire

Elvish beauty with black hair, pointy ears and fire-infused red eyes. Born with great dispositions for magic, Camwyn has always been a respected and feared Sorceress. Taken away from her family at a young age and kept locked in the Magical Tower until her adulthood. She learned to master her fire powers and to use it for domination. It started with duels where her foes had no chances of winning. But she took pleasure humiliating and torturing them. Then war came and she took slaves for rewarding herself of her participation in massive slaughters. Most of the Lords were disgusted by this spoiled magical freak but few were brave enough to approach the Great Sorceress... Smart genius spoiled and blinded by her powers. Cruel mistress with no respect for others lives'.

· Inferzena Nouva Queen of dragons

A 1000 year old Queen of the Fire Dragons, and a dragon herself in a young girls human form. Inferzena is a good willed leader who formed a clan called „Excorryu“ who cares and protects the human race from demons of the deep. They have nothing but love for the human race. Inferenza, is strong willed but playfull. She views ticking as a very happy sensation that always makes her smile and feel happy. Her feet are her most sensitive and favorite spot to be tickled. Because of her being a dragon and her incredible strength, she can take a lot of tickle torture...which means the Crusade will have to bring the big guns on this one.

· Sydney the demoness

A notorious demoness spawned from the Fourth Circle of Hell. Known to her fellow demons as Syd the Greed. Her possessive deeds have travelled far and wide, as has she in her insatiable hunger to make humans, demons and angels alike suffer and squirm beneath her ravenous touch. There is no discrimination. She has her favorites, but claims no friends, seeing all whom she captures or has once captured as her playthings. She treats the one who desires her touch the same as the one who reveres it, drawing equal screams and pleas of mercy (or more) from both.   She is dangerous. She is wanted. She isuntouchable... or so she thinks. Capturing the crusaders could prove a task too difficult for even this bitchy, greedy demoness.

· Farah the vampire cougar

Short haired blonde, lesbian vampire. Born into a life of privilege, Farah in her mortal days was the daughter of a minor French aristocratic family in the mid-to-late 1700s. Left to manage one of the poorer lands in her family’s holdings. Together with her lesbian lover/cousin Vanessa, they both indulged in wanton, sexual debauchery. No villager was safe from them, their ever-increasing lust for sexual torture eventually came to a head when greedy relatives outed them to the law and forced them into exile. After years of sexual slavery in Italy, they were taken by a Succubus named Regina, and turned into Succubus/vampire hybrids. Today, hidden inside Hollywood circles, more and more victims fall prey to them. The Lesbian Vampire Cougars, the kind of predator whose prey want to be devoured by. Rich sadist's, with the ability to change their appearance and shape to fuck with people, while they actually fuck them.  

· Red the spoiled brat

Spoiled redhead,  has a lot of anger issues whenever things don’t turn out how she wanted.  Red is the kind of gal that gets men to spend money on her and never gives anything in return. In fact, she doesn’t like anyone touching her.  

· Blair the cheat

She likes being tickled, and she loves feet~ However, she can also easily come across as a cold bitch to anyone who doesn't know her because of her deadpan, aloof demeanor. Also not the most ethical college student, often cheating her way through classes... by tickling homework and test answers out of other students. In truth, it's all in good fun, as she's just trying to get others to tickle her back. But since no one ever takes the bait, it just comes across as immoral cheating.

· Laura the real-estate agent

Laura is a petite framed girl, in her late twenties trying to find a “worthy” man who can give her the life of luxury she’s always dreamed of. This dream has lead her into the Real-estate business, where she discovered a few shortcuts in the business. By hiding some tiny details regarding the properties and discrediting her fellow workers, she could get very juicy bonuses... And if a costumer ever complained, she’d find a way to pin the blame on anyone other than herself.

· Jenna the physics student

Jenna is a PHD student working on a graduate thesis in quantum physics. A pale girl who spends a great deal of time studying. Her research however is her fatal flaw, for in her efforts to unravel the mysteries of quantum physics she came to discover the existence of parallel dimensions. She also comes to the conclusion that the dimensions are controlled through forces of immense deviousness and she fears she will be the victim of the universes’s ire. She needs to be prepared for this!



Can we only vote for one? Aw. I voted for Sydney, though Inferzena and Camwyn also sound interesting. Also, I am very much interested in the "full story" as you describe Cassandra.


Could you send me the full story please?


I would like the full story as well :)

Bob Show

I would like the full story to Cassandra please.


will any of these characters being making return appearances as choice?