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Crusaders apply the Oil...It's super effective!

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NICE touch on the bondage. Poor, poor thing. A shame she's being SO RUDE. The Crusaders are going out of their way to prepare such a wonderful bath and treatment for her. Such a lack of gratitude.


I knew this would look beautiful when colored. The Crusaders look so cozy in their kimonos. I hope they keep them for themselves as souvenirs.


We already kinda knew it because of their usual outfits, but damn that Crusader girl has some nice legs.


i honestly just want some crusader girls feet at this point xD


Oh yes ! Poor Samara is now naked, while her torturer has a beautiful kimono ! ha ha good idea the kimono, beautiful. Bondage is really delicious. The position of samara is perfect. Nice decor. Samara is really submissive now, I wonder what could happen worse for her... ^^

Tim Shagg

The ritual must be done :)