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  • COLORED by: RoboColours

I know this Patreon campaign has been going only for a couple of months, but we already achieved more than I expected.

Thanks guys/girls, for having the patience and sticking up with my fuck ups and not leaving. Rather pointing me in the right direction. And helping me grow this campaign.

Next year brings new goals. We strive forward to achieve them!

I hope you all have a great time with your families and friends. And get smashed with molt wine or eggnog (don't know what is drinked in the US) :D

Enjoy the rest of 2018 with Samara.




I'm enjoyin' some eggnog myself, so ya got it nailed down, my dude. Merry Christmas to ya! Keep on keepin' on! Here here!


Yes! I wasnt sure if you drank it on Christmas or Thanksgiving.


Thanks, it's very cool to see the ticklers' faces. If they get the tables turned on them again in the future, it would be cool to see their faces again and gagged. ;)


This is the best kind of Christmas gift, cute and tired out girls, tingling flesh and best of all, ramifications and new questions. It's nice to know though that the Crusade is well teamed with a garrison of ninja like fetish girls. I wonder if they enjoy being tickled as much as they do the tickling. At any rate, thanks for a wonderful year so far, Merry Christmas, and looking forward to an exciting New Year.

Cubi Studios

Merry Christmas! I take it the Blue and Green haired ones are our girls? They’re super cute, nice work on them.


I don't think i've seen the red one in the back before. I always assumed the crusaders were weird aliens that happened to look human. Do you have a a bio or backstory for them? I'd love to know if you have MILF crusaders in their ranks, i'd love to see them


Wonderful ! Great picture! I think the Crusaders have a beautiful Christmas with their three docile prisoners. The reputation of the Crusader will grow. The futures arrogants women who will pass in their hands (or rather under their feet) have reasons to worry! :) Thank you for this gift briel7 ! And it's nice to see the face of the Crusader ^^


Multiple crusaders is good. Our crusaders being cute is good. The previous victims getting worked over again is very good.


We plan to do that, my writer and I are already in the works on a origin story.


Thanks for the good wishes, I hope we have a good year. So many things to do :D


We are currently in the works on a origin story. Everything will be explained soon.


Thanks Polk! I hope you stay around longer to see the whole origin story of the Crusade.