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Merry Christmas my angels,

I've added a fun little toy to the growing list of equipment, a candycane dildo.


But here's the real shit you've all been waiting for. VR development began in full force this month, and private testing is now underway in Discord. See a clip here -


A note since I'm sure this will cause some confusion, the above build does not include VR support, I'll merge VR capability into the main builds here when it's more stable.

Because these builds are buggier than most and I need direct feedback, they're confined to Discord for now, but every support tier has access, so jump in and test it out:


Hope everyone's having a great holiday!




So is it VR yet? I've been trying but it's not letting me play VR.

Ralf the COSMIC Coyote

It's A Shame So Much time Passed It's 2024 Now I Joined Literally 2 Days Ago to Support Since the DEMO I Got Off Itch.io Blew Me Away I Am Very Selective When It Comes to Support & that Is Saying Something...