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Sorry for the wait! As I think I mentioned, builds would usually be out more frequently than they have been this month, but I've had some major internet trouble with uploading so it's all packed into this one bitching update.

Anyway - Part 1 of what will be a hugely extensive character customization suite is ready to download, features outlined below.

Skin Color - an obvious addition to any CC, can now change color of the skin tone. Color isn't limited to realistic tones, can have fantasy skin colors too.

Eyes - continuing on from the previous post, I've built a pretty insane Eye Creator. I have some fun stuff planned to add here, such as the ability to have contact lenses spin, and obviously way more contact lens options. This set of customization options only affect the eyeball itself, more atual eye shapes will be added to the new Face Tab soon.

Face Tab - This is a more experimental feature and it may change over time based on feedback. Instead of having a huge list of sliders, face proportions are set by plots on a graph. Each graph contains up to 3 plots, which are positioned with Right, Left & Middle click of your mouse within the box.

The amount of customization available in the Face Tab admittedly isn't as much as I'd like, as there's no Jaw, Cheekbones, Ears, etc, sections. But they will be coming in the next update and hopefully allow for a wider range of faces to be created. 

Currently it may be frustrating if you're trying to achieve a certain look, with the limited amount of controls available. But I'll be working with playtesters and experimenting more to make this way nicer and more extensive.

FYI - My UI skills suck and it is possible to expand too many sections that the list cuts out at the bottom. The Heart Icon can be clicked to minimize the "Health and Wellbeing" section to make more room for the rest of the UI.

New Hair - Like a ridiculous amount of new, fully physics simulating Cinematic Quality hair. I think there are 9 new styles, and more will continue to be added. This addition was a direct result of a Discord member request for pigtails / twintails, so another reason to jump into the Discord server, since bugging me for stuff might get your request in the game.

Discord Share - The Character Cards (your character's save file) can now be uploaded directly to Discord from in-game. This is opt-in, of course, and uploads your Character Card anonymously to the Naughty Sandbox Discord Server. This doesn't require a Discord account, and it's posted by a bot in the server, with some automatically assigned emojis depending on your character design. (Obviously, in the server itself, the cards aren't blurred out!)

Hopefully as the Creation features and support for the project increases, the Character Share channel will act as a very nice archive of people's creations, to pick and chose from.

The Character Card screen also has a new Pause Snapshot button, to give you more control over the snapshot and so you don't accidentally save out characters as they're blinking.

And some small things:

Feature - Hair options and other UI bits which let you choose options, now highlight the option you've chosen. Obviously it was trash before and you didn't really know what was selected.

Bug - Adding Paint to a character locks the skin tone color. This is not really "by design", but there is a reason for it which I can't tackle right now. A workaround is simply to remove the paint, set your desired skin color, and apply the paint again.

Bug - Adding Paint to characters with a non default skin tone can look bizarre, this is a color blending issue that I'm gonna look into fixing. Most things look absolutely fine, but subtle things like makeup may look too bright on darker skinned characters.

Wew I think that's it, Build link will be posted in a sec, THANKS SO MUCH FOR YOUR SUPPORT!!! <3



domenico savio pulis

All these features do work in vr or only desktop and how to install them pls


Desktop only for now. To run the game, grab the latest build link in a Build post, download it, extract it, and run the .exe!