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Hey peeps,

Been going into the Naughty Sandbox 2 Prototype with a vision to do everything that the previous project did, but better. The save system of NS1 characters was already quite nice IMO, so to top it, I've been spending some serious R&D on the wonderful feature of Saving to .png files!

I've seen this done in othe lewd projects, specifically for character saves. The save file for the character is a snapshot of the character itself, which can be uploaded and shared anywhere that doesn't compress image files, such as Discord!

There will be a Build Release after this public post with the first implementation of this system. The character card snapshot feature & the card designs will be getting some upgrades, and the PROTOTYPE banner will remain stamped on the cards until I'm confident the system works securely over build iterations.

While the character creator itself is severely lacking in facial controls, color selection, & male character options, all this stuff is coming very soon. It was important for me to dev this feature first before diving deeper into customization options, to make sure that peoples' characters are saved safely.

So with that in mind, despite any new "fun" content in the upcoming build, please grab it and begin using the save system to stress test it!


The screenshots include clothing for censorship reasons, underwear / clothing isn't available in-game as of yet!


I would also like to say something lame and to thank everyone who has supported since the relaunch. I've been developing the NS2 prototype for coming up to a year, and over the past few months I've managed to go full time on the project. Despite its lack of polish, I feel like it's already reaching new heights compared to NS1 other lewd projects out there. It's my plan for Naughty Sandbox to become one of the best ero projects of all time, so thanks so much for the support this early in the development process!

Build link to follow for Supporters



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