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It's been a while! Naughty Sandbox is coming back, and it's quite different from before.

I've noticed an uptick in supporters here which I assume is from the work-in-progress clips I've been dropping occasionally in Discord the past weeks – if you're confused about the barren landscape here in terms of posts (obviously there has been no release since last year) I'll explain what's up below.

The old Naughty Sandbox dev direction wasn't really where I wanted to take the project. The majority of supporters have been requesting intimate and physical interaction with the character, the use of equipment & toys, male characters, full p**etration etc.


The equipment in Naughty Sandbox 2 is actually usable, and interacting with the character physically is at the core of the featureset


Naughty Sandbox was my first solo project, and it begun getting quite bloated in its programming. I implemented some stuff kinda badly which made it hard to build on the rocky foundation, particularly with regards to the physical interaction which was intended at first to be at the core of the project. It essentially became a posing and dress up game which was hard to turn into the full interaction game that I wanted from the start.

Over the past several months, I've been building up what will be the successor to the current Naughty Sandbox. These fully interactible characters aim to rectify all of the shortcomings of the previous project. Test builds of the prototype are currently quite bare-bones with no clothing and dress up feature, environments, or VR support, but are what I think is some of the most impressive real-time lewd tech that exists today.


The new base character (hair sculpt by @HappyOtter9 on Twitter) was rebuilt from scratch, has the ability to play back facial mocap data for super real facial expressions


The new characters and interaction stuff will be merged with the original Naughty Sandbox soon, and development will continue within the Naughty Sandbox environment. All the new stuff will be combined with the original environments, the photo mode, VR mode and other original features. The original character system of Naughty Sandbox will remain, but the focus will be on the new characters, which will eventually receive all the customizability and options that the current charactes have.

Supporters of the project have been testing these new features for months on Naughty Sandbox's Discord server, and I've been waiting until user-experience was good enough to post publicly on Patreon and SubscribeStar. So after this post, links to the experimental builds of Naughty Sandbox will be uploaded in a private post.

The core character interaction is what the majority of Naughty Sandbox supporters wanted from the beginning, and you will find the potential of this project to be infinitely higher than before. I'll outline some of the SFW features below, with a full outline in a NSFW post to follow.

  • Full physics interaction & posing
  • Basic looping physical motions ;)
  • Ragdoll characters with active balancing – the ability to stabilize themselves even while in ragdoll mode
  • Massageable soft-skin
  • Enhanced jiggling physics
  • Raytracing & Realtime Global Illumination (Requires RTX videocard)
  • Gender-swappable characters
  • Dynamic squirting liquid & liquid-on-skin effects
  • Internal physics with resistance & tightness controls
  • A perception system, where characters know where they're being touched, and more
  • Dynamic and reactionary vocalization, depending on what's happening to the character
  • Mocap-based facial system
  • Triple A quality physics-based-toys designed by professional sculptors
  • X-ray system for viewing internal objects

I can only apologise for the lack of updates here. The development of this successor project has been primarily on Discord, where playtesters have been helping me out. New stable builds will be posted here going forwards, but for the quickest access to builds & info, get on the Naughty Sandbox Discord.

Thanks peeps for your continuing support despite the lack of updates, and get ready for the ultimate lewdness in an upcoming private post.





I will be the first to admit I kinda fucked up with the direction, and it started to become difficult to turn it around. These new builds don't have VR support just yet (since I unfortunately don't have VR to test on at the moment) but they will do. I love and appreciate VAM's vision. I doubt Naughty Sandbox will ever truly compete in terms of the sheer scope, but I'd love to put my own spin on the lewd sandbox genre. Ultimate goal is to allow people to quickly set up infinitely creative sex scenes, and then either watch them or engage in the action.


Hooray, you live!