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1 day late with this build soz! Peeps have been testing this build on Disco for past couple days, and I think I've got most of the major issues ironed out.

Apologies up front cos the new maps included here are not as fleshed out as they could be, need to do sound design for the Beach Island map and some general polishing. I'm gonna be updating these maps with more unique themed equipment and lewdy stuff in the next couple months, so each map will have something actually erotic to offer rather than just being a backdrop.

These maps are my first test of a DLC system for Naughty Sandbox. To install the maps to your game, just place the extracted DLC folders into the Plugins folder of Naughty Sandbox. As an example:


Here's a video clip demonstrating this as well:


Both of the DLC maps, Beach Island & Subway, are for supporters of $4 and above for now. As more maps are added in the future, I'll probably make the older ones available to everyone. 

On game load, if the DLC is detected, the new Levels tab will display the maps and clicking them will teleport you there. If the DLC isn't detected (for peeps who may have put it in the wrong place or don't have access to it) the DLC maps will be displayed with a padlock, and are un-clickable. In the Levels tab, click and hold on a level to open it. I felt that a click and hold was a little smoother than an additional confirmation box, to make sure that the player hasn't mis-clicked.


The character creator / general updates in this build are available to everyone! - Here's a comprehensive list of new character creator options which I outlined in some older posts, but will do here in a changelog type format for peeps who just fucking can't get enough of changelogs!!

  • Jaw Hardness / Softness slider
  • Brow Position & Scale sliders with individual axis control
  • 3 Nose Shape Morphs & morph strength slider
  • 6 Lip Shape Morphs & morph strength slider
  • Top and bottom lip size sliders
  • Calves Size sliders with individual axis control
  • Improved Leg Thickness system 
  • Overhauled Makeup System
  • New Brow Makeup panel
  • Individually selectable Brow, Eye, Blush & Lip makeup styles
  • A total of 17 new makeup styles for various parts of the face
  • New selectable eyeball types
  • First look at the new Arousal System
  • 5 breathing / vocalization profiles from 3 voice actresses!
  • A Field of View slider for Desktop players

There are also some known issues to mention:

  • The Expression selector is broken for now, I didn't realize that the Arousal system inteferes with the Expressions selector - will fix in a build aimed at later in the month
  • There's no environment sound on the Beach Island map

Please tell me what other issues you find on this build, will be rolling out smaller updates and other bits of content throughout the month!

New peeps joining to check out Naughty Sandbox, thanks for your interest and please stick around even if the content looks lacking right now, I'm slowly getting to a dev stage where many of the systems are in place and I can soon start taking a content driven approach to add in more variety and gameplay. 

Build links & cheat codes to follow in Private Posts!

Edit: thought I'd throw all the post links in here for convenience -

Main download link post, which also contains the code for Censored Lewdies

DLC maps download link posts, which also contains the code for Uncensored Lewdies

Code for Premium Lewdies

Code for Transcended Lewdies



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