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Hello glorious lewders,

Realize it's been a while since the last post so I thought I'd make an update with something I'm working on for the next build and some general shit. Skip the personal stuff if you're just here for the lewdevlog, I've conventiently placed it between some markers ;)

-------------------- Personal Memes & Dreams Begin -------------------- 

Since quitting my "real job" as a game designer last year my main income has been freelance work, with this project just about holding its own, financially. It was covering its own development, licensing & 3rd party asset costs but not much more than that.

That started turning around a few months back, and now Naughty Sandbox is paying me about minimum wage, which is incredible for a passion project! I'm thankful to everyone supporting, or who has supported in the past.

The project income is now enough to pay my rent & living costs and allow me to spend all my time on Dev, but I've realized that to invest fully into Naughty Sandbox, it needs more than just my time, with most of the would-be budget going to my landlord. So this month I'm moving into a cheaper place where the rent will be shared, to free up a whole lot of NS's budget for outsourcing & commissions. So there won't be an update this month as I scramble to get my shit together, and why I've been silent on social & on here for the past two weeks...

-------------------- Personal Memes & Dreams End --------------------  

...But in Sept, I'm hoping to roll out some cool stuff I've been working on, and get back to full speed dev with some collabs and commissions spicing things up. 


I grabbed a 3rd party cinematic NYC subway environment and I'm doing some optimization, relighting, effects and sound design to make it appear as if you're on an actual moving subway car.

I think it's immersive AF right now, even on desktop mode, and should be a nice selectable enviro for Naughty Sandbox. The environment may be exclusive or timed-exclusive to certain supporter tiers but I haven't decided yet.

Since the idea is for players to be able to spawn in objects and equipment for use on the girl, I think this will make for a fun immersive playground for lewd shenans to go down. In VR, it should be a seriously cool environment to behold, with presense through the roof.

I've been toying with the idea of being able to spawn in non-lewd NPCs for environments like this, but I haven't quite figured a good way of doing it, and how it would fit in with the performance budget for VR. But being able to, in the future, create voyeuristic on-lookers is deffo on my mind.

Sorry for the text wall this time! Will hopefully have some nice HR visuals to show soon. Thanks!!!



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