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Hey peeps,

I didn't get done everything that I wanted in the previous release, and so I'm trickling out some minor updates :)

In this build, VR users should see major framerate improvements, and I've added a Sex Saddle to the Public Mens' Room environment for users to test. There will be a stool for this saddle soon where the girl's feet can be strapped in, for now it's just floating.

VR players can now use the Trigger on the Sex Saddle remote to perform its secondary rotating function, while the thumbstick / trackpad up and down performs the vibration - for Desktop players it's Mouse Wheel for vibration & Mouse Click for rotation.

Dynamic Animation / Snapping

As with the Rodeo Machine, the girl can be placed on the Sex Saddle by moving her hip control to near the seat. She will sit on the machine once the control is released, and then controlling the machine will make her squirm and stuff. There's no dynamic pleasure mode just yet, so you can't make her c*m or anything, but this is in the works!!!

To take her off the machine just move her hip control some distance away from it.

I'm gonna be improving and utilizing this system a lot for future equipment & toys, with the idea that she can be strapped in to things and f*cked by machines and toys dynamically, which will also all hook into a pleasure system I'm designing for her.

The link for this build is here: 


And should automatically load all your settings and characters from the previous build. All the Supporter Tier passwords are the same as the last build!

Known Issue - 

Some VR users are experiencing crashes on start-up and crashes during play. If you have a Vive Cosmos, this headset seems to be incompatible with the latest version of UE4. I'm really sorry for the inconvenience, this is out of my hands until an engine update ):

Otherwise, there seems to be an issue where if the game is run with the HMD or possible also motion controller devices outside of the Guardian / Chaperone system, there is a fatal error, which I'm working to diagnose and fix. Please try moving all your VR devices to the middle of the playspace where they're definitely in view of cameras / lighthouses to see if this fixes the issue.

Please accept my apologies if running in VR is broken at the moment for you, I hope this is a rare case!

Please let me know if you have any questions & thanks for the support :D


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