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How savagely unhygienic!!

Feel like I am constantly apologising for lack of update posts, so once again, soz for the radio silence! I have of course been working hard on Sandbox in the shadows, will have another post tomorrow with some news on some little additional character creator features - new hair options + hair colors, and eyelash options.

But for now, news of a new environment that I've been sitting on for months and finally decided to port it into the Naughty Sandbox universe. This unkept and unwelcoming male public toilet will be a selectable level in the next Sandbox update, for peeps who like dark and naughty vibes. 

I'm working on making the enviro super VR friendly & immersive. Despite the super high fidelity textures & models and the cinematic lighting in this scene, it should run really nicely in VR. Will be adding some appropriate sound design for added presence.

The plan is to add the Sex Saddle into this enviro for use with the girl, for a scene of super naughty implications that are down to the player's imagination! Once I implement more Sandboxy features & animation into the project, I think this environment will really shine with player creativity >:)

Another post tomorrow with the character based updates. Thanks to new supporters recently and the contunued support of the OG's, you guys are really helping the lewdy cause!

Follow up post will contain lewd & uncensored screenshots for Patrons, or for non-patrons these can be checked out on my Twitter here -





are you gonna put the game on sale once it's finished? cx