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Hey everyone,

Wanna get apologies out the way for lack of Patreon posts! I've been developing ofc, but have been avoiding Patreon for dumb reasons which I'm gonna tackle over the next few days with a series of Devlog updates.

I traveled over the holidays and spent Christmas in Japan. Despite never having visited Japan before, it has had a big place in my heart as I'm sure it does with most weebs, and finally being there confirmed my dream to have a home there one day. I had some minor blues once I returned to my wet and dreary country, and combined with catching up with freelance work and social engagements, I started slacking with development and got a dangerous creeping feeling of, not depression, but some kind of apathy / laziness which made it very difficult to stay motivated with anything.

Dumb dumb dumb!

Started developing on Sandbox again mid month, and I've made some headway with stuff which I'm gonna talk about in a post marathon over the weekend.

First off, since Light BDSM was a real popular vote on the Poll I put up in December, I thought I'd experiment with a basic piece of equipment. One of my favorite BDSM staples, the ballgag. 

It was a good thing to start with because it made me begin thinking about Wearable Equipment and how might a system work where you can customize the girl with accessories that are attached to her in some way, such as gags, cat ears, and other misc stuff. I love mouth restraints in general, and will probably be making an extensive gag system when I've got some time to focus on the more "fun" things. 

I also thought it might be really fun to design the balls as possibly collectables, or at least allow them to be player customizable. Without sinking too much time into this idea, I thought I could at least put the ground work in so if I decide to go such a route in the future, it's easy to implement. So I created a system for the balls which allows them to be modified easily with different holes, colors and the material that the ball is made from.

Each ball uses the same base geometry, and the holes are created with a specially made material and texture map. The texture map cuts out holes in the object, and a few shader tricks cause the ball to appear as if it has some thickness with a darkened interior!

Thanks for staying with me peeps, more to come


Ballgag Clip

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